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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures

Doctor Who: Time Apart: Ghost Station

Deep beneath the streets of East Berlin, Peter Meier patrols the border in an old underground station. But when the TARDIS materialises nearby, Peter realises he is far from alone...

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Star Cops

Star Cops: Mars Part 2

Nathan, Kenzy and Devis are on Mars, trying to establish the red planet’s Star Cop base. But despite their efforts assisting the colonies, moves to prevent the ISPF being established are growing, and Nathan suspects forces are conspiring against them...

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From US $25.81

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-07-05 Missy Series 2

Nick and Benji got erased. But here's how they planned the podcast. The Randomoid Selectortron gives you 25% off Real Time. Behind-the-scenes and 15 minute drama tease Missy 2.1 The Lumiat by Lisa McMullin, starring Michelle Gomez and Gina McKee.

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Missy Series 02

Now she has what she wants, Missy needs someone to show off to. But her temporal mischief attracts the wrong kind of attention. Infuriating children, a vacationing Sontaran, a Meddling Monk and her own worst intentions all will all get in her way...

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From US $38.71

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-07-12 Fifth Doctor Antics

Nick and Benji present... Reviews: Third Doctor Adventures Volume 6. Plus Website Slider, Doctor Who - Short Trips: Downward Spiral. Behind-the-scenes and drama tease: Doctor Who - Time Apart: Ghost Station by Steve Lyons

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The Omega Factor

The Omega Factor: Divinity

When Tom Crane is sent to the village of Coldad to investigate a poltergeist, he expects to uncover an elaborate hoax. But when the Wright family invite him to spend the night in their haunted house, and he experiences the phenomenon at close range...

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From US $12.90

Torchwood - Monthly Range

Torchwood: Save Our Souls

An experimental radio mast has been set up on a remote island. It has been picking up signals – a voice that claims it knows the future. Five people have come to the island to hear the voice. The voice has something to say to all of them.

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From US $11.61

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-07-19 Robots and Torchwood

Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Torchwood - Iceberg. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: The Robots Volume 2 - Robots of War by Roland Moore.

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The Robots

The Robots 2

Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. The robots are evolving, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously. Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world’s history?

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From US $25.81

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-07-26 5th, 11th and 12th Doctors

Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Regeneration Impossible; Featured releases: The Tenth Doctor, Masterful and Torchwood; Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Doctor Who: Time Apart - What Lurks Down Under by Tommy Donbavand.

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Doctor Who - Short Trips

Doctor Who: Short Trips: Downward Spiral

Siobhan Matthews has guests on her ship today, but she didn’t let them onboard. They’re called the Doctor and Nyssa, but they’ve arrived at the worst possible time. Siobhan’s ship is spiralling towards something in the dark, and it’s hungry...

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From US $3.86

Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures

Doctor Who: The Lovecraft Invasion

The Doctor, Constance and Flip join a 51st-century bounty hunter to track the Somnifax: a mind-parasite capable of turning nightmares into reality. Chasing it to Earth in 1937, they arrive too late to stop it from latching onto author HP Lovecraft...

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From US $16.77

Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures

Doctor Who: Time Apart

Separated from his companions, the Doctor seeks solace in the history of his favourite planet – Earth – but instead discovers new threats lying in wait. A four-part anthology written by Steve Lyons, Jacqueline Rayner, Tommy Donbavand and Kate Thorman.

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From US $16.77

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