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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Doctor Who - The Third Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures: The Annihilators Part 1

There's something in the water at Lewgate Docks. Something strange, green and deadly. The Doctor, Liz and the Brigadier find their investigations hampered at every turn by the local police. Just what are they trying to hide?

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Bernice Summerfield - Books & Audiobooks

Bernice Summerfield: The Slender-Fingered Cats of Bubastis (Audiobook)

It wasn't true that you could see the Cats from space. It was impossible, a ridiculous idea that wouldn't stand up to even the slightest examination. And yet there were people on Bubastis who believed it…

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From US $12.88

The Worlds of Doctor Who - Special Releases

The Lone Centurion Volume 02: Camelot

Rory Williams - the Lone Centurion. A man trapped in a body not his own and stranded in history. His one job is to guard the Pandorica, the tomb of his fiancée. But life gets in the way, even when you're immortal...

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From US $25.78

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-02-06 Annihilated Survivors

Nick and Benji present… The Chat - Doctor Who: The Third Doctor: The Annihilators, and Survivors. Review - Doctor Who: The Gates of Hell. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Doctor Who: The Annihilators. Also: Survivors: New Dawn 2.

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Doctor Who - The Third Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures: The Annihilators

There's something in the water at Lewgate Docks. Something strange, green and deadly. The Doctor, Liz and the Brigadier find their investigations hampered at every turn by the local police. Just what are they trying to hide?

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From US $25.78


Survivors: New Dawn 2

The pandemic spared only a fraction of the global population. The survivors are now trying to rebuild society. But the worst of human nature has survived along with the best, and Abby and Jenny face a renewed fight for survival.

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From US $25.78

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-02-13 Ninth Trips

Nick and Benji present… The Chat - The First Doctor. Review - The War Doctor Begins: Forged in Fire. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease - Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Old Friends. Also available: Doctor Who Short Trips Volume 11.

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Doctor Who - Short Trips

Doctor Who: Short Trips Volume 11

An audiobook anthology of six new Doctor Who short stories by Alfie Shaw, Rochana Patel, Felicia Barker, Paul F Verhoeven and Ben Tedds.

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From US $23.20

Doctor Who - The Ninth Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Old Friends (Limited Vinyl Edition)

Travelling the universe alone, the Doctor can’t help running into people. Some are new acquaintances, and some have a much longer history, back through all of his lives. ** TRIPLE LP GATEFOLD ** STRICTLY LIMITED TO 1000 COPIES **

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From US $46.41

Doctor Who - The Ninth Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Old Friends

Travelling the universe alone, the Doctor can't help running into people. Some are new acquaintances, and some have a much longer history, back through all of his lives.

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From US $38.68

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-02-20 Sonny Earthbound

Nick and Benji present… The Chat: Doctor Who - the First Doctor and Gallifrey One. Review: The Robots 4. Behind-the-scenes: Torchwood: Sonny. Also available and Drama Tease: Space: 1999: Earthbound.

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Torchwood - Monthly Range

Torchwood: Sonny

Sonny is the answer to elderly care: artificially intelligent robot carers placed in old peoples’ homes that mimic the behaviour of their owners. But there are rumours that the Sonny units are too clever. Rhys sends his mother into a home to find out...

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From US $11.59

The Worlds of Blake's 7

Bayban the Butcher: Bayban Ascending (tie-in Audiobook)

Son is a diligent menial worker on the planet Calross. Holding a broken necklace, he has a vision that he will achieve greatness. When the vision comes true, he decides to find its missing parts and hires Bayban the Butcher to help him...

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From US $12.88

Space 1999

Space 1999 Volume 02: Earthbound

These are dark times on Moonbase Alpha, and along comes an opportunity to return home to Earth. For one of the Alphans, this is the end of their journey…

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From US $25.78


Stingray: Monster from the Deep

Atlanta is kidnapped by Commander Shore's old enemy Conrad Hagen. Troy Tempest and the crew of Stingray must save her, but first they have to uncover the mystery of the treasure of Sanito Cathedral, and face the monster from the deep...

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From US $25.78

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-02-27 UNIT 7 Monster

Nick and Benji present… The Chat: weird sounds. Review: The Worlds of Blake’s 7: Avalon Vol 2. Behind-the-scenes: Stingray: Monster from the Deep. Also available: Bayban Ascending. Drama Tease: UNIT Nemesis 2.

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