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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

The Avengers - The Audio Adaptations

The Avengers: Seven Deadly... Assassins (excerpt)

Steed and Mrs Peel are on a cruise ship guarding a jewel, trapped with seven assassins who are after the gem... or are they?

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UNIT - The New Series

UNIT: Nemesis 2: Agents of the Vulpreen

UNIT has stopped the Eleven's efforts to retrieve the Arch. But how did an artefact imbedded with advanced technology become buried under a prehistoric lava flow? Why does it form a connection with an alien world? And just who are the Vulpreen?

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The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-03-06 Avengers Eighth

Nick and Benji present… The Chat - First Doctor Trailer… Good Review Guide: Torchwood: The Five People You Kill in Middlesbrough… Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: The Avengers: Seven Deadly… Assassins… Also available: Eighth of March 2.

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The Worlds of Doctor Who - Special Releases

The Eighth of March 2: Protectors of Time

Scattered through time and space, many women have crossed paths with the Doctor. Some were fellow TARDIS travellers, some were allies defending the Earth, and one was the Doctor's daughter...

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From US $25.78

The Avengers - The Audio Adaptations

The Avengers: The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 06: Steed & Mrs Peel

Three more thrilling episodes, based on the adventures of Steed and Mrs Peel in the TV Comic strips: Seven Deadly... Assassins by Roland Moore, Stand and Delivery by Sarah Grochala and You Won't Believe Your Eyes by John Dorney.

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From US $25.78

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-03-13 Solo Fourth Doctor

Nick and Benji present… The Chat: First Doctor and sound effects. Good Review Guide: Jago & Litefoot: Series 14. Behind-the-scenes and drama tease: Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Adventures: Solo

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 11: Solo

Two new four-part adventures for the Fourth Doctor: Blood of the Time Lords by Timothy X Atack and The Ravencliff Witch by David Llewellyn.

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From US $32.23

Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: Blood of the Time Lords

The Dischord Grimoire is a powerful tome, believed capable of altering the true passage of time itself. And the Doctor has it in the TARDIS. He decides to take it to an old friend in the Recursary, but something else is also visiting...

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From US $16.75

Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Ravencliff Witch

Ravencliff is a small coastal town, in the shade of a new power station. It's haunted by a spectral figure, the Ravencliff witch. To prevent a catastrophe, the Doctor has to solve the mystery of her appearances...

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From US $16.75

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-03-20 Space Knight Delights

Nick and Benji present. The Chat - Durdle Door. Good Review Guide: The Box of Delights. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Torchwood: The Black Knight. Also available: Space 1999: Earthbound.

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Torchwood - Monthly Range

Torchwood: The Black Knight

A brilliant scientist detects an asteroid destroying any craft entering the Earth's orbit. Is it protecting the human race or imprisoning it? Only one person believes her. Norton Folgate is taking Lynne Sharman on the journey of her life.

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From US $11.59

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2022-03-27 RTD Hodiac

Nick and Benji present: The Chat - Sixth Doctor, Good Review Guide: Scourge of the Cybermen, Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Doctor Who: Mind of the Hodiac. Also available: Adam Adamant Lives!

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Doctor Who - The Lost Stories

Doctor Who: Mind of the Hodiac

In the depths of space, the mysterious Hodiac is manipulating the Galactic Stock Exchange. On Earth, an ordinary family is plagued by psychic events. The only thing connecting them is the Doctor's magnificent patchwork coat!

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From US $16.75

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