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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Space 1999 Volume 02: Earthbound
Space 1999

3. Space 1999 Volume 02: Earthbound

Available February 2022

Written by Marc Platt Iain Meadows Nicholas Briggs

This release contains adult material and may not be suitable for younger listeners.

From US $25.80

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These are dark times on Moonbase Alpha, and along comes an opportunity to return home to Earth. For one of the Alphans, this is the end of their journey…

2.1 Mooncatcher by Marc Platt
Strange alien messages are being beamed at Moonbase Alpha. Are they a welcome or a warning?

No one can tell. When a giant object appears on the long-range scanners, stir-crazy Alpha personnel are keen to investigate. But when Delta One’s secrets begin to unfold, an unexpected and disturbing series of events is set in motion.

2.2 Earthbound by Iain Meadows
Is the Moon truly destined to roam the stars forever, or should the people of Alpha divert their efforts towards a return mission to Earth? Koenig knows in his heart that Earth is lost to them. But Commissioner Simmons is convinced returning home is a serious option.

Perhaps there’s only one way to resolve the issue once and for all. But will an experiment in democracy tear Alpha apart, leaving it open to incoming alien dangers?

2.3 Journey’s End by Nicholas Briggs
The Kaldosians have arrived. Can their advanced technology offer a solution to the Project Earthbound mission?

Their leader, Zantor, makes an emotional connection. But will this only lead to heartbreak and death?

Based on the original tv series created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson.

Space 1999 © ITC Entertainment Group Limited 1975 and 2022. Licensed by ITV Ventures Limited. All rights reserved.


Recorded on: 10, 11 and 13 August, 13-14 September and 6 October 2021
Recorded at: Remote recording


The joy of having a classic show being rebooted is seeing the ways it can be made to feel distinctive and different, avoiding any slavish retreads, while at the same time not deviating so far from the original source material as to alienate devotees; it seems Big Finish’s take on Space: 1999 is so far managing to get the balance just right.

Set The Tape

In another satisfying boxset, the audio version of Space: 1999 again benefits from the pacier treatment that this modern adaptation provides; the 1970s show could be glacial at times... Iain Meadow’s sound design is on point to evoke the feel of the series and Joe Kraemer provides an absorbing score. Heightened emotions form an essential component too (longing looks are a tough sell on audio) as the attraction between John Koenig (Mark Bonnar) and Helena Russell (Maria Teresa Creasey) is tackled head on.

Indie Mac User
  • Product Format: 3-disc CD (jewel case in slipcover)
  • Number of Discs: 3
  • Duration: 235 minutes
  • Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-83868-730-4
  • Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-83868-731-1
  • Production Code: BFPS1999CD03
Previous release in this range: Space 1999: Death's Other Dominion (excerpt)
Next release in this range: Space 1999 Volume 03: Dragon's Domain
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