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November 2020 Releases
Big Finish Podcast 2020-11-01 Daleks, Daleks, Daleks!
Nick and Benji present… Big Finish Myths. Reviews: Doctor Who - Thin Time/Madquake. Behind-the-scenes: Dalek Empire (Gareth Thomas) Teaser: Doctor Who - Short Trips: Blue Boxes
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Doctor Who: Precious Annihilation (excerpt)
Starring David Tennant Alex Kingston
When jewels become lethal in the London of 1912, both River and the Doctor turn up to find out why. The star-crossed couple are about to find out that, while gemstones inspire jealousy, love can be the deadliest treasure of all...
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Doctor Who: Short Trips: Blue Boxes
UNIT is inundated with prank calls, and the Doctor agrees to help Liz investigate. They soon discover that the phone line hackers are being killed, one by one. The Doctor will have to use all his cunning and wits to defeat a foe he can't even talk to.
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Big Finish Podcast 2020-11-08 Seriously More Daleks
Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Sixth Doctor and Peri Volume 1; Behind-the-scenes: TLV The Enemy of My Enemy); Archive Feature: Dalek Empire III (David Tennant). Drama Tease: Shadow of the Daleks 2
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Dalek Empire Series 01-02
Starring Sarah Mowat Mark McDonnell
The Milky Way is at peace. After centuries of struggle, the Earth Alliance has been created and all is well. Then, without warning, the Daleks launch their invasion. An invasion which threatens to tear apart the fabric of our entire galaxy...
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Dalek Empire Series 03-04
Starring David Tennant William Gaunt
At the end of Dalek Empire 2, Siy Tarkov set off from Valyshaa with vital information warning of an imminent Dalek invasion. 20 years later, the only proof Tarkov ever existed is a garbled message, calling for help. But no-one is listening...
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Doctor Who: Shadow of the Daleks 2
Starring Peter Davison Nicholas Briggs
Something is very wrong. The Fifth Doctor is lost in the Time War, heading for an encounter with his oldest and deadliest enemies... the Daleks!
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Doctor Who - Time Lord Victorious: The Enemy of My Enemy
Starring Paul McGann Nicholas Briggs
The people of Wrax are happy to begin peaceful negotiations with the Dalek Empire. The two species are preparing to engage in an alliance that will last throughout the ages. The only one who seems to object to this happy union is the Doctor...
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Doctor Who: Wicked Sisters
Starring Peter Davison Louise Jameson
The Doctor is recruited by Leela for a vital mission on behalf of the Time Lords. Together, they must track down and destroy two god-like beings whose extraordinary powers now threaten all of space and time. Their names are Abby and Zara...
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Big Finish Podcast 2020-11-15 Wicked Torchwood
Nick and Benji present… The Wicked Sisters - a potted history. Reviews: Out of Time. Behind-the-scenes: Torchwood - Rhys and Ianto’s Excellent Barbecue by Tim Foley. Drama Tease: Doctor Who - Wicked Sisters: The Garden of Storms
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Torchwood: Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Starring Gareth David-Lloyd Kai Owen
Rhys is planning a lads' night in. Barbie in the back yard, few tins, mates and bants. But the only person who turns up is Ianto. Who hasn't been invited. Hell is other people, especially when they've brought board games...
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Big Finish Podcast 2020-11-22 Tenth and River
Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Torchwood - Red Base. Behind-the-scenes: The Tenth Doctor and River Song (David Tennant, Alex Kingston). Drama Tease: Doctor Who - Expiry Dating by James Goss
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Blake's 7: Chosen
As a damaged Liberator drifts in the skies above, Blake, Vila and Jenna scope out the planet below. But what they believe to be an abandoned mining facility turns out to be less deserted - and more dangerous - than they could have known.
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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor and River Song
Starring David Tennant Alex Kingston
The Doctor knows that River Song is a part of his future. Their lives are becoming inextricably intertwined, but in these early days – for the Doctor at least - they must navigate their relationship without too many spoilers...
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Doctor Who: Expiry Dating
Starring David Tennant Alex Kingston
The first time the Doctor met River Song, he saw her die. And now she’s asking him on a date. Well, not a date, exactly... More of a mission. With billions of lives hanging in the balance, can the Doctor afford not to do whatever River wants?
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Doctor Who: Precious Annihilation
Starring David Tennant Alex Kingston
When jewels become lethal in the London of 1912, both River and the Doctor turn up to find out why. The star-crossed couple are about to find out that, while gemstones inspire jealousy, love can be the deadliest treasure of all...
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Doctor Who: Ghosts
Starring David Tennant Alex Kingston
River and the Doctor meet on the most haunted planet in the galaxy. The Doctor’s not sure it’s an ideal date - until they discover a mystery. And as the Doctor and River investigate, the truth may prove deadly for them both...
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Big Finish Podcast 2020-11-29 Sixth Seventh Benny
Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Torchwood Soho - Parasite; Behind-the-scenes: Doctor Who - The Grey Man of the Mountain; Preview: Bernice Summerfield Christmas Collection. Drama Tease: Doctor Who - Plight of the Pimpernel
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