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December 2020 Releases
Doctor Who: Plight of the Pimpernel Part 1
Starring Colin Baker Nicola Bryant
1793. At Highmoor House Peri plays lady of the manor while the Doctor tends her wounded ‘husband’, Sir Percy Blakeney. But a French agent and a sinister alien force are both intent on unmasking the Scarlet Pimpernel and ending his escapades forever!
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Bernice Summerfield: The Christmas Collection (Audiobook)
No matter what you call it on your home planet, this magical holiday at the end of the year, when the nights are dark, is the perfect time for telling stories... And who doesn’t have a tale or two to tell about Christmas? Certainly not Benny.
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Big Finish Podcast 2020-12-06 MAD Genetics
Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Doctor Who: Short Trips - These Stolen Hours (India Fisher); Behind-the-scenes: Time Lord Victorious - Genetics of the Daleks (Tom Baker); Drama Tease: Time Lord Victorious - Mutually Assured Destruction
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Doctor Who: Plight of the Pimpernel
Starring Colin Baker Nicola Bryant
1793. At Highmoor House Peri plays lady of the manor while the Doctor tends her wounded ‘husband’, Sir Percy Blakeney. But a French agent and a sinister alien force are both intent on unmasking the Scarlet Pimpernel and ending his escapades forever!
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Doctor Who: The Grey Man of the Mountain
Starring Sylvester McCoy Sophie Aldred
Something haunts the peak of Ben MacDui, and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart visits Scotland to investigate. But when the Doctor and Ace join his ascent, he worries that they will make things even more dangerous...
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Doctor Who - Time Lord Victorious: Mutually Assured Destruction
Starring Paul McGann Nicholas Briggs
Outnumbered and alone, on a Dalek time-ship careering through the vortex, the Doctor must use all his cunning to survive. As the saucer disintegrates around them, the Doctor is trapped with a crew of Daleks. Or are the Daleks trapped with him?
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Doctor Who - Time Lord Victorious: Genetics of the Daleks
Starring Tom Baker
There are 10,000 humans in stasis aboard Starship Future. Twenty years into their journey, the ship takes on board fuel and something else. Something malevolent. Unless the Doctor can help, it seems the people of Starship Future have no future at all...
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Big Finish Podcast 2020-12-13 Torchwood Robots
Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Adam Adamant Lives: Volume 2 Face Off! Behind-the-scenes: Torchwood: The Crown. Drama Tease: The Robots 3 - The Mystery of Sector 13
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The Robots 3
Starring Nicola Walker Claire Rushbrook
Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. The robots are evolving, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously. Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world's history?
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Torchwood: The Crown
Starring Rowena Cooper
Christmas Eve. Dr Gideon Parr is summoned to an asylum to check on a patient. A patient who claims to be hunted by a terrible curse. A patient who claims to be Queen Victoria.
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Big Finish Podcast 2020-12-20 Christmas Eccleston
Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Dracula's War (Mark Gatiss). Preview: Doctor Who Short Trips: The Shattered Hourglass (Neve McIntosh). Christopher Eccleston Interview. Drama Tease: A Christmas favourite!
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Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Shattered Hourglass
The Time Agency has been meddling in time since its inception. Of all the days in history, today is a day that will define the agency. Today is the day they remove an entire galaxy from the timeline. Today is the day the Doctor is shutting them down.
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Bernice Summerfield: Santa Benny at the Bottom of the Sea
Deep under the sea, Nessa, Freng and Strong are trying very hard to be nice. If they are naughty, Santa won't come and give them presents. And they do want presents very much. But what does Santa want from them? And what does being nice really involve..?
More InfoBig Finish Podcast 2020-12-27 Paul Spragg Winner
Nick and Benji present… Reviews: The Flying Dutchman/Displaced (7th Doctor Ace and Hex). Behind-the-scenes: Short Trips Paul Spragg Winner - Free Speech (Jacob Dudman interview). Drama Tease: Masterful
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Doctor Who: Short Trips: Free Speech
On Skaz, talking costs. Aymius Todd is in a police interrogation. They want to know about the Garrulous Liberation, and his encounter with the Doctor. But Aymius is running out of words, and if he can’t afford to finish his story he'll never speak again.
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