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February 2019 Releases
The Avengers: It's a Wild Wild Wild Wild West (excerpt)
Starring Julian Wadham Emily Woodward
After reports suggest a series of robberies in the New Forest were committed by cowboys, Mother sends the Avengers into action. The trail leads to the Western style ranch known as The Lazy J. But will it be high noon for Steed and King?
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Missy Series 01
Starring Michelle Gomez Rufus Hound
Missy… alone, unleashed and unfettered. What does she get up to when the Doctor isn’t around? Well, Missy has a plan. And to carry it out, she’s going to have to break some rules. Look out universe, Missy is on a mission. And nobody is going to stop her…
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Doctor Who: Time's Assassin
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
The true identity of the Director has been revealed and he wants vengeance upon the Doctor for past crimes. However, the greatest threat is yet to come. The Syndicate’s plans are in motion... and no one is safe from them.
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Doctor Who: Fever Island
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
Jason Vane is England’s suavest secret agent, and today he’s on his deadliest mission yet. Tracking down the evil Okulov before he destroys the world. The Doctor, Ann and K9 are, in contrast, finding their own mission a little hard to complete...
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Big Finish Podcast 2019-02-10 Big Finish News and Peter Davison
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Doctor Who: The Perfect Prisoners Part 1-2
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
The Doctor, Ann and K9 are hot on the trail of the Syndicate. After contending with killer robots and dangerous aliens, the clues lead to a machine that can make your dreams come true. But who’s the real villain here? And what is their master plan?
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Doctor Who: The Perfect Prisoners Part 3-4
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
Secrets have been revealed, and the Doctor and his friends at last know who they’re fighting. An epic journey across space leads them to the real mastermind of the Syndicate conspiracy. Alliances will shift. Friends will die. Can the Doctor escape alive?
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Doctor Who: Black Thursday / Power Game
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
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Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 08 The Syndicate Master Plan Volume 02
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
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Torchwood: God Among Us Part 2
Starring John Barrowman Tracy-Ann Oberman
Torchwood pick up the pieces and move on. After all, there’s a whole new set of alien threats to deal with. But when a God comes to Cardiff, the world goes to Hell...
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Big Finish Podcast 2019-02-24 The Avengers and Listeners' Emails
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The Avengers: The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 03: Steed & Tara King
Starring Julian Wadham Emily Woodward
Four new audio stories, based on the adventures of Steed and Tara King in the TV Comic strips: It's a Wild, Wild, Wild, Wild West by John Dorney, Under the Weather by Phil Mulryne, Spycraft by Robert Khan & Tom Salinsky and Now You Don't by John Dorney.
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Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Astrea Conspiracy
The conspirators sit in Antwerp, plotting to kill King Charles the Second. Aphra Behn's mission is simple: get former lover William Scot to turn against his treasonous comrades. But her money is running out and the complications don't stop there...
More InfoFrom US $3.78