Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Adventures: 1.02 (Title TBA)
Starring Jodie Whittaker Mandip Gill
From US $12.59
Story details to follow.
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Written by Robert Valentine Rochana Patel Lisa McMullin
Starring Jo Martin Alice Krige
US $45.36 as part of the following bundle
Starring Jodie Whittaker Mandip Gill
From US $12.59
Story details to follow.
Starring Christopher Eccleston Alex Kingston
From US $44.09
The Doctor and River Song. Their lives are tangled, complex, intertwined. But this Doctor doesn't do domestics, and for once, River might have her work cut out. With time and space against them, these lovers are star-crossed in more ways than most.
Starring Sophie Aldred Lisa Bowerman
Out of print
There are many women whose paths have crossed that of the Doctor. Some were fellow TARDIS travellers, some staunch allies defending the Earth, and one was the Doctor's wife… On the 8th of March, four very different adventures will unfold.
Starring Carole Ann Ford Jonathon Carley
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Gallifrey has sent a summons to all its children. Every Time Lord, renegade and prodigal, has been called up for the Time War. The grandfather Susan knew refused to fight, but she is about to meet the warrior he will become...