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September 2022 Releases
Doctor Who: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Wilkommen (excerpt)
Starring Lisa Bowerman David Warner
1930s Berlin - the party before the end of the world. A city that laughs at the gathering storm. The location of a mysterious alien signal. What are the Cybermen doing in Berlin? Who are the Ancient Vril? Bernice Summerfield and the Doctor investigate.
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Big Finish Podcast 2022-09-04 Fifth Autons
Nick and Benji present… The Chat: Harry Sullivan’s Third Doctor cameo. Review: Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures Vol 8. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: The Fifth Doctor: Forty 2. Also: Celebrating Charlotte Pollard.
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Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Forty 2
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
UNIT is running a training exercise, but things start to go badly wrong and the Doctor arrives with Tegan and Turlough. He has been sent back and forth through his own lifetime... and is finally going to find out why.
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Big Finish Podcast 2022-09-12 Thunder UFO 1999 Prisoner
Nick and Benji present... Preview: Thunderbirds Versus the Hood and TV21 Anything Can Happen. Behind-the-scenes: UFO. Retrospective: The Prisoner. Drama Tease: Space: 1999 Earthbound
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Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor Classic Companions
Starring David Tennant Louise Jameson
The Tenth Doctor revisits his companions K9, Leela, Ace and Nyssa long after their time-travelling adventures have finished. Because they all need help, and when people need help, the Doctor will never refuse...
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Doctor Who: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 07: Blood and Steel
Starring Lisa Bowerman David Warner
1930s Berlin - the party before the end of the world. A city that laughs at the gathering storm. The location of a mysterious alien signal. What are the Cybermen doing in Berlin? Who are the Ancient Vril? Bernice Summerfield and the Doctor investigate.
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Big Finish Podcast 2022-09-20 Tennant Benny Cybermen
Nick and Benji present… Review: Torchwood: The Great Sontaran War. Behind-the-scenes: Bernice Summerfield: Blood and Steel. Also Available: Torchwood: Death in Venice. Drama Tease: Doctor Who: Tenth Doctor Classic Companions.
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Torchwood: A Postcard from Mr Colchester
Starring Paul Clayton
Mr Colchester offers a few disgruntled words on the state of the Earth, as aliens question why he bothers to protect it from invasions. But, until the world succeeds in self-destruction, he has a job to do...
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Torchwood: Death in Venice
Starring Sophie Aldred Paul Clayton
Dorothy 'Ace' McShane is on the run for her life, and her charity is in trouble. Someone wants her dead. And Torchwood are coming to the rescue. Can Mr Colchester keep her safe on the magical streets of Venice?
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Big Finish Podcast 2022-09-25 Unbound Doctor Anderson
Nick and Benji present... The Chat - The Unbound Collection. Good Review Guide: The Diary of River Song - New Recruit. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Doctor Who Unbound - Doctor of War 2. Also Available: Thunderbirds and Anything Can Happen!
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Doctor Who: Unbound: Doctor of War 2: Destiny
Starring Colin Baker
Times have changed. A choice was made and the universe diverged. One man stands at the centre of it all. But whose side is he on? He was a Doctor once, but now he is Doctor no more. He is the Warrior. The Doctor of War.
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Doctor Who: Unbound: 1-8 Collected
Starring Geoffrey Bayldon David Warner
What if the Doctor and Susan had never left Gallifrey? What if the Doctor had not been UNIT's scientific advisor? What if the Valeyard had won? What if the Doctor had escaped the justice of the Time Lords? This collection answers these questions and more.
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The Terra Nostra: Zero Point (tie-in Audiobook)
When Orac is badly damaged, Avon and Tarrant take Orac to Federation Doctor Brynn Pellas, the only person who can repair it. But her planet is under the control of the Terra Nostra, and Pellas is in their back pocket...
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TV Century 21 Audio Annual 2022: Anything Can Happen
Join International Rescue, Troy Tempest, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 in last-minute rescues, nefarious criminal schemes and menacing alien foes… in the fantastic worlds of Gerry Anderson, Anything Can Happen!
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Thunderbirds: Thunderbirds Versus The Hood
Starring Jon Culshaw Wayne Forester
Adapted from the original comic strips, two thrilling Thunderbirds adventures are brought to life as full-cast audio dramas: The Vanishing Ray and Brains is Dead.
More InfoFrom US $16.77