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January 2019 Releases
Doctor Who: The Sinestran Kill Part 1
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
When the Doctor decides to trace an anomalous energy signature on twentieth century Earth, he stumbles into an assassination attempt. But why do the gangsters want a shopkeeper dead? And what does this have to do with alien technology?
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The New Counter-Measures: The Hollow King
Starring Simon Williams Pamela Salem
Lights have been seen in the skies over Swammcombe. There is talk of flying saucers. Allison Williams is not so convinced. But when she witnesses a UFO launch from the top of a hill is it signs of alien activity or something more sinister?
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Blake's 7: Uprising (Novel & eBook)
Blake persuades the Liberator crew to join an uprising on the planet Istria, a vital supplier of food to the Federation. But with the odds stacking up against him, and Space Commander Travis in hot pursuit, even Blake starts to wonder who he can trust.
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Blake's 7: Uprising (Audiobook)
Blake persuades the Liberator crew to join an uprising on the planet Istria, a vital supplier of food to the Federation. But with the odds stacking up against him, and Space Commander Travis in hot pursuit, even Blake starts to wonder who he can trust.
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Blake's 7: Restoration Part 1
Starring Paul Darrow Michael Keating
Damaged beyond repair, the Liberator is hurtling out of control. With Zen down, Avon injured and Tarrant losing his mind, what can the crew hope to achieve in the time they have left?
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Now From US $22.58
Doctor Who: The Sinestran Kill
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
When the Doctor decides to trace an anomalous energy signature on twentieth century Earth, he stumbles into an assassination attempt. But why do the gangsters want a shopkeeper dead? And what does this have to do with alien technology?
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Doctor Who: Planet of the Drashigs
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
When the TARDIS lands on an alien planet, the Doctor’s plan to show Ann Kelso the future are thrown into disarray. Because this is DrashigWorld - a park where every species of the terrifying predators has been gathered together to thrill the public...
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Big Finish Podcast 2019-01-13 Peter Davison and Big Finish News
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Doctor Who: The Enchantress of Numbers
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
The TARDIS lands at Newstead Abbey in 1850. Mistaken for a medic and his maid, the Doctor and Ann are brought to meet Ada Lovelace, who has fallen ill. Soon becomes clear that the travellers are not here by chance, and future of humanity is at stake...
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Doctor Who: The False Guardian
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
Arriving on a desolate world that the Doctor finds oddly familiar, he and Ann discover something is wrong with time. Facing an old foe long presumed dead, the travellers are soon trapped in a diabolical scheme. But is it just the tip of the iceberg?
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Doctor Who: Devil in the Mist
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
The Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and Kamelion find themselves aboard a prison ship with one prisoner: Nustanu, last of the Zamglitti –mind-bending mimics able to turn themselves into mist. Unfortunately the ship is about to crash-land... on a planet of mists.
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Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 08 The Syndicate Master Plan Volume 01
Starring Tom Baker Jane Slavin
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The Diary of River Song Series 05
Starring Alex Kingston Michelle Gomez
The Doctor isn't the only Time Lord River runs into on her travels up and down the timeline. The Master, in all of his - or her - guises, also has a history with Professor Song. And whenever they meet, it's a close call as to who comes out on top...
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Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures Volume 03
Starring David Bradley Claudia Grant
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Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Revisionists
Guests at the Hôtel des Rois are being haunted by ancestors that never existed. Investigating, the Brigadier quickly finds something unusual. A warrior in leathers. A warrior called Leela… History is about to catch up with both of them.
More InfoFrom US $3.86