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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

The Doctor meets old friends - and old enemies. But which is which - and who is Who? One thing is sure: they all have a story to tell...

The Story Demon by Julian Richards
The Doctor and Mrs Clarke find themselves on a forest world where human settlers shelter from the night in a village built from wrecked spaceships, living in fear of the Birnamen, creatures who raid their settlement leaving death in their wake.

But are the Birnamen really to blame? Or does the truth lie with the villagers’ ‘Story Demon’, the hollow travel casing of a very familiar alien creature which they use to entertain their children...

The Key to Many Worlds by Paul Magrs
The Doctor and Constance arrive in thirteenth century Baghdad and encounter an ageing and disenchanted Marco Polo. His adventures at an end, he has been ordered to transport a certain enchantress back to the Doge’s palace in Venice. The Doctor realises his danger too late, as his mind and body are swapped with those of the enchantress - the notorious Iris Wildthyme!

Now clapped in irons and trapped in Iris’s form, the Doctor is dragged along in Marco’s caravan as it trails across the desert once more... and only Mrs Clarke can save him.

Inconstancy by Ian Potter
On the highly regulated colony world of Hoi, the Doctor is captured by the authorities and taken to the forbidden zone for ‘re-education’. Mrs Clarke escapes and discovers an amorphous being in hiding. This protean creature craves purpose and identity, and wants Constance to make it an instrument of her will. Desperate to rescue the Doctor, she agrees – and suddenly Hoi is threatened by a swarm of wild and ravenous Mrs Clarkes! 

**Please note: the collector’s edition CD box set is strictly limited to 1500 copies**

Recorded on: 8, 14 and 18 October 2021
Recorded at: The Soundhouse and recorded remotely


Script editor Rob Valentine said: "I’m a huge fan of the Sixth Doctor and Mrs Clarke. Colin Baker and Miranda Raison work beautifully together, and Constance brings out a very particular side of Ol’ Sixie, so the prospect of helping to bring a whole new set of their adventures into the world was extremely enticing. 

"It also meant I got to work with Julian Richards, Ian Potter and Paul Magrs, three writers I greatly admire, and their stories are terrific. There’s a particularly unsettling Dalek story, multiple Mrs Clarkes, and the return of a certain other traveller in space and time whom the Doctor was not expecting to meet again. All in all, you’re in for a cosmically good time.”

Writer Paul Magrs said: "The Key to Many Worlds was a great chance to reunite two great voices - Katy and Colin - from The Wormery all those years ago, and to twine them not only in one of my favourite Doctor Who genres, the historical saga, but also in one of my favourite science-fiction tropes, the mind-swap.

"With the casting of Tonio, Marco Polo’s boyfriend, I really lobbied for my late friend Antoni [Anthony Townsend] to get the part. Something I never, ever do, but this time I really wanted my friend to get what they'd always wanted – a good part, specially written for them, in a wonderful new Doctor Who story. It's three years since the writing and recording and Antoni is no longer here. I can't wait to hear their voice again."

Colin Baker added: "Upon reading this script, my first reaction was, oh, good, another one that's good and clever and touching and rather exciting. Things get turned on their head!"

And Katy Manning said: “It's been an absolutely joyous day and I actually climbed into the skin of Colin Baker! I've got grin-ache! We're so lucky, Paul Magrs is a wonderful writer."

  • Product Format: 3-disc CD (jewel case in slipcover)
  • Number of Discs: 3
  • Duration: 180 minutes
  • Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-80240-596-5
  • Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-80240-597-2
  • Production Code: BFPDWDR0607
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