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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Doctor Who: The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Trials of a Time Lord
Doctor Who - The Sixth Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The Sixth Doctor Adventures: The Trials of a Time Lord

Available August 2024

Written by Rochana Patel Katharine Armitage Stewart Pringle

From US $27.70

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The Sixth Doctor's fortieth anniversary celebrations continue, courtesy of LudoSphere Incorporated, with the greatest adventure ever streamed...

Responding to a distress call from an old friend, the Doctor and Mel find themselves in 'Cyberia', a prison camp run by an even older foe. But this time, the Cyber Leader's machinations are just the tip of one very sinister iceberg, one that will test the Doctor to his very limit, and beyond...

We hope you're hiding behind the sofa, because 'The Trials of a Time Lord' are about to begin!

The Trials of a Time Lord Parts 1 and 2 by Rochana Patel
The Trials of a Time Lord Parts 3 and 4 by Katherine Armitage
The Trials of a Time Lord Parts 5 and 6 by Stewart Pringle



Recorded on: 27 and 29 February and 01 March 2024
Recorded at: The Soundhouse


Producer Jonathan S Powell said: "The Trials of a Time Lord is the ultimate celebration of all things Sixth Doctor: an epic three-hour fight for survival against foes old and new, with both of Sixie's television companions Peri and Mel brought along for the ride.

"It felt important when planning this anniversary special to capture the spirit of the Classic Series, but also to make something bold and expansive that speaks to the world we live in today. So while Trials will treat you to a host of familiar themes and faces, it's also full of surprises, catapulting our hero into the far future to face a uniquely 21st-century crisis...

"The title is obviously a play on Colin's final story just as The Quin Dilemma was a play on his first, but Trials takes its lead from Season 22 just as much as 23. And there isn't a court scene in sight! The scripts themselves have been beautifully written by the dream team of Rochana Patel, Katherine Armitage and Stewart Pringle."

Colin Baker said: "We&'ve got six episodes here with every monster imaginable! The highlight was working with all those dear old chums - with my two lovely companions, of course, and also Terry Molloy as Davros, and David Banks as the Cyber Leader.

"And whilst sadly the original Androgum actors are no longer with us, to work with the Androgums again was rather splendid. They were prime creations of the best of all writers, Robert Holmes."

Nicola Bryant added: "It's a bit different to your run-of-the-mill Sixth Doctor and Peri story, and it's wonderful to be working with Mel, teaming up to take care of our Doctor. The story is very present, but also harks back to a story I did with Colin, Vengeance on Varos, which seemed very much ahead of its time."

And, Bonnie Langford said: "It was interesting to be part of The Trials of a Time Lord because I was involved with the original Trial of a Time Lord when it was on screen; that's when Melanie was introduced - or just basically plonked, I think is the right word! - into the series, as wide-eyed as I was. This is a very different story, because obviously the world has changed a lot over the years."


I loved this story, I think it’s one I could go back to over and over again just to get those hits of Sixth Doctor perfection. An amazing way to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of this Doctor... A brilliant release through and through.

Indie Mac User
  • Product Format: 3-disc CD (jewel case in slipcover)
  • Number of Discs: 3
  • Duration: 230 minutes
  • Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-80240-177-6
  • Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-80240-178-3
  • Production Code: BFPDWDR0606
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