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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 07 Volume 01
Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures

7A. Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 07 Volume 01

Available January 2018

Written by Andrew Smith David Llewellyn John Dorney

From US $38.71

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7.1 The Sons of Kaldor by Andrew Smith
Finding themselves in a seemingly deserted spaceship on an alien world, the Doctor and Leela stumble into some familiar foes - the Voc robots from the planet Kaldor - and… something else. Something outside. Trying to get in.

Reviving the robot’s Kaldoran commander from hibernation, the travellers discover that they’ve found themselves in the middle of a civil war. The ship was hunting the Sons of Kaldor, an armed resistance group working with alien mercenaries to initiate regime change on their homeworld.

But now the Sons of Kaldor may have found them. The Doctor and Leela will have to pick a side. Or die.

7.2 The Crowmarsh Experiment by David Llewellyn
When attacked on an alien world, Leela falls unconscious… only to wake in another time, another place.

She is in the Crowmarsh Institute on Earth, in London, in 1978, and everyone is calling her Doctor Marshall. They tell her the world she has known is but a fantasy, a delusion, and that this place is the one that is real.

Surrounded by familiar faces on unfamiliar people, Leela knows what is true and what is false. But how long can she believe when everyone around her says it’s a dream? What’s really happening here?

7.3 The Mind Runners by John Dorney
It used to be fun, Mind Running. Hopping into the heads of total strangers to see what they saw, feel what they felt. But one by one the Mind Runners are dying in a wave of suicides. And no-one on the planet Chaldera knows why.

The Doctor, Leela and K9 arrive in the city that covers all of this dying world as it prepares to evacuate its people, and they immediately find themselves involved in a mystery. Who or what is responsible for the wave of death? Is it the motorised cult known as the Digitals? The enigmatic Mr Shift?

Or did all the victims attempt to run the Night Mind, the demonic consciousness of legend that is so twisted and evil that it drives mad all who touch it?

The TARDIS crew are about to find out.

7.4 The Demon Rises by John Dorney
A killer has been uncovered, but the mystery is far from solved. The Doctor, Leela, K9 and their friends are on the run, pursued from all sides. All the clues point to one place - but getting there alive may prove impossible.

Something horrific is happening on Chaldera... and it has been happening for longer than anyone could possibly have realised. Now every life on the planet is at stake. Bar one.

The dark secret at the heart of this world is about to be revealed.


Recorded on: TBC
Recorded at: Audio Sorcery


Giving us a brilliant return of a classic foe, a mind twisting character study and brilliant four-part adventure. All superbly directed by Nick Briggs and scored by the affable Jamie Robertson. They say you can’t have too much of a good thing. Stuffing four months worth of Fourth Doctor goodness into one release is bound to test that theory. 10/10

Blogtor Who

Reprising her role as Leela, Louise Jameson’s performance stands as one of her finest hours for Big Finish. it’s Doctor Who nostalgia done right.

We Are Cult

All these years later and the legacy of Tom Baker and his Fourth Doctor continues to live on, especially in Big Finish... Overall, this is a really entertaining box set for any Doctor Who fan with excellent stories and both Tom Baker and Louise Jameson still terrific together after all these years.


An excellent start to 2018 for Tom Baker and Big Finish, just enough to satisfy with the hint of more to come and business not quite yet completed. 9/10.

Planet Mondas

The 4th Doctor sets under the direction of Nicholas Briggs never disappoint, but in cases like this they can elevate even further. 10/10

Indie Mac User

Half way through, this series is shaping up to be another goldmine. Is it May yet? 9/10

Doctor Who Vews
  • Product Format: 4-disc CD (slipcover boxset)
  • Number of Discs: 4
  • Duration: 291 minutes
  • Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-78703-076-3
  • Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-78703-077-0
  • Production Code: BFPTOMCD047
Previous release in this range: Doctor Who: The Age of Sutekh
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