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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Toy
Doctor Who - Short Trips Rarities

1.1. Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Toy

Available September 2016

Written by Nigel Fairs

From US $3.21

14 Listeners
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In her bedroom on board the TARDIS, Nyssa dreams of her long lost home, and a Forbidden Archway that never really existed - or did it?

In the TARDIS corridors she finds a flight of steps, a door marked ‘keep out’, and beyond, a locked room full of secrets. In particular a casket containing a jewel seems to call to her. “Nyssa of Traken, do you want to be my friend?”

So begins a journey that takes Nyssa from snow capped mountains to vast cities, and introduces her to people she seems to know so well. What dangerous landscape has she wondered into - and can she ever escape to safety, and the comfort of her travelling companions?

Recorded on: 28 January 2015
Recorded at: Moat Studios


Nigel Fairs, I would like to thank you for finally giving us a cracking thirty minutes and a properly three-dimensional character in Nyssa. And Sarah Sutton – you know how to read a story.

  • Product Format: 0-digital download
  • Duration: 34 minutes
  • Physical Retail ISBN: n/a
  • Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-78575-984-0
  • Production Code: BFPHATCHETT01
Next release in this range: Doctor Who: Short Trips: Museum Peace
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