All aboard, me hearties, for a rip-roaring tale of adventure on the high seas! There'll be rum for all and sea shanties galore as we travel back in time to join the valiant crew of the good ship Sea Eagle, braving perils, pirates and a peripatetic old sea-dog known only as the Doctor!
Gasp as our Gallifreyan buccaneer crosses swords with the fearsome Red Jasper, scourge of the seven seas and possessor of at least one wooden leg! Thrill as Evil Evelyn the Pirate Queen sets sail in search of buried treasure, with only a foppish ship's captain and an innocent young cabin boy by her side! Marvel at the melodious mayhem which ensues as we sail the ocean blue!
And wonder why Evelyn still hasn't realised that very few stories have happy endings...
Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures
043. Doctor Who and the Pirates
April 2003
Written by Jacqueline Rayner
Starring Colin Baker Maggie Stables
From US $5.17
98 Listeners
recommend this
Recorded on: 22, 23 and 24 January 2003
Recorded at: Moat Studios
Chronological placement:
This story takes place between the television adventures The Trial of a Time Lord and Time and the Rani.
- Colin Baker (The Doctor)
- Maggie Stables (Evelyn Smythe)
- Dan Barratt (Cabin Boy Jem)
- Helen Goldwyn (Sally)
- Bill Oddie (Red Jasper)
- Nicholas Pegg (Captain Emmanuel Swan)
- Mark Siney (Mr Merryweather)
- Timothy Sutton (Mate / Sailor / Pirate)
- Cover Art by Lee Binding
- Director Barnaby Edwards
- Executive Producer Jacqueline Rayner
- Music by Timothy Sutton
- Producer Gary Russell Jason Haigh-Ellery
- Sound Design by David Darlington
- Written by Jacqueline Rayner
- Product Format: 2-disc CD (jewel case)
- Number of Discs: 2
- Duration: 127 minutes
- Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-84435-024-7
- Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-84435-758-1
- Production Code: 7C/H
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