Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
From US $18.12
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Nick Briggs tracks down Benji Clifford, at The Moat Studios, during the recording of a Time War box set. Podcast guest star: David Richardson. Drama tease: Survivors Series 6.
A very 'out of the ordinary' podcast, but with all your favourite, regular features. However, it all starts on a tube train in London, as Nick travels towards his destination. His mission: to locate his redoubtable co-host, Benji Clifford - who's hiding at The Moat Studios during a recording of The Time War.
Thrill to the behind-the-scenes snatches of dialogue! Gasp as you hear actors selecting their lunch! Swoon as Paul McGann whooshes past, uttering about four words! Cringe in terror as Benji's guitar playing ruins the whole recording session!
And, of course, there's all this too...
Big Finish News - an exclusive preview of The Time War first box set.
Listeners' Emails - Nick and Benji make random selections from the podcast inbox, with more than satisfying results. But guitar action ensues...
Guest Star - Big Finish's long-serving, highly valued, senior producer, David Richardson, is put right on the spot. Hear him squirm and provide top quality entertainment all at the same time!
Randomoid Selectortron - another random release selected. One that Nick knows a lot about!
Latest releases - the latest releases and some upcoming titles thrown in for good measure.
Survivors Series 6 - the first 15 minutes of episode one of the sixth series of Survivors.
And don't forget, you can still download and listen to Part 1 of the first series of Survivors here for free.
This podcast is officially released on Monday 29th May, but we've sneaked it out on Sunday the 28th, just to give you a bit of a thrill! You can stream or download it right now, by pressing one of the helpful buttons below.
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
From US $18.12
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
From US $25.89
Starring Sacha Dhawan
From US $24.60
From US $25.89