Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
From US $18.06
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Mrs Clarke (Miranda Raison) has her first encounter with the Daleks - but the Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) discovers they're not quite themselves...
As exclusively revealed in this month's Doctor Who Magazine, Big Finish have not only confirmed the full title of November's Doctor Who - Main Range story: Doctor Who - Order of the Daleks, but have put the brand new Simon Holub cover online. The intricate CGI imagery was done by Chris Thomson, who has put some notes on the work and some early renders on the story's Behind The Scenes tab.
Voiced by Nicholas Briggs, the Daleks were last seen in the main range in July 2015's Doctor Who - We Are The Daleks, but it's a very different time and place and Doctor for Mike Tucker's new script:
In the Galactic Census, idyllic Strellin is recorded as a Grade Three planet – its inhabitants possessing neither advanced technology, nor knowledge of other worlds. Accordingly, Strellin is protected: landings by off-worlders are strictly prohibited. Unless, of course, those off-worlders are officials of the Galactic Census itself, come to investigate the origin of a mysterious sub-space signal – a signal no native of Strellin should be able to send...
Breaking all local by-laws, the time-travelling Doctor and his companion L/Wren Mrs Constance Clarke (AWOL) have only just landed on Strellin, too. But they and the Census officials aren't the only off-worlders to have come here. Inside a nearby monastery, the monks of the reclusive Brotherhood of the Black Petal are guarding a strange and terrible secret. Something might bring disaster not just to Strellin, but to every civilised world in the galaxy!
Doctor Who - Order of the Daleks will be released in November exclusively from Big Finish, and will have a general release at the end of December.
There are thirteen Doctor Who - Main Range stories a year, covering a wealth of adventures with the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Doctors. Subscriptions are available for runs of both six or twelve stories, which are not only offered at a bargain price but come with free script PDF downloads, extended extras, and up to four free brand new Doctor Who - Short Trips readings a year!
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
From US $18.06
Starring Seán Carlsen Rachel Handshaw
From US $25.80