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April 2023 Releases
Rani Takes on the World: Here Today (excerpt)
Starring Anjli Mohindra Daniel Anthony
Life on Bannerman Road was always an adventure for Rani Chandra and her friends. Now Sarah Jane is gone, and everyone grows up eventually. But when Rani and Clyde are reunited, adventure finds them once again - ready and waiting to take on the world!
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Big Finish Podcast 2023-04-02 Davison Conflicts
Nick and Benji present… The Chat: Day of the Daleks. Paul O’Grady. Review : UNIT: Nemesis 2: Agents of the Vulpreen. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Conflicts of Interest.
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Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Conflicts of Interest
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
In the far future and the recent past, the Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan discover that humans can be monsters too...
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Big Finish Podcast 2023-04-09 Star-Sting-Bots
Nick and John present: The Chat - The Senior Producer, Good Review Guide: The Eighth of March 2: Protectors of Time, Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Star Cops - The High Frontier 2. Also Available: The Robots 6. Preview: Stingray - Terror Fake.
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Star Cops: The High Frontier 2
Starring David Calder Trevor Cooper
Nathan and his team step up their investigations into the secretive and ruthless criminal organisation known as the Collective. As they come closer to identifying who's in charge, with enquiries on Earth and in space, the Collective strikes back...
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The Robots 6
Starring Nicola Walker Claire Rushbrook
Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. The robots are evolving, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously. Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world’s history?
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Stingray: Terror Fake
Starring Marc Silk Wayne Forester
The World Aquanaut Security Patrol faces one of its most challenging missions to date - a visit from finance director Taylor! But first, Troy, Phones and Marina have to contend with Titan and Surface Agent X20's latest attempt to destroy Marineville.
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Big Finish Podcast 2023-04-16 Rani Launch
Nick and Benji present… The Chat - with (Third Doctor) Tim Treloar. Review: Torchwood - The Black Knight. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Rani Takes on the World - Here Today. Also Available: Torchwood - Launch Date.
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Torchwood: Launch Date
Starring Gareth David-Lloyd
Geraint fails to notice Chrissie flirting with him. That's the story of his life. Geraint's fed up of it all - his dead-end job and his dead-end life. So, he asks his best mate for help. And Ianto Jones is only too happy to help...
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Rani Takes on the World: Beyond Bannerman Road
Starring Anjli Mohindra Daniel Anthony
Life on Bannerman Road was always an adventure for Rani Chandra and her friends. Now Sarah Jane is gone, and everyone grows up eventually. But when Rani and Clyde are reunited, adventure finds them once again - ready and waiting to take on the world!
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Big Finish Podcast 2023-04-23 Survivors New Dawn 3
Nick and Benji present… The Chat: Murray Melvin Celebration. Review: Doctor Who: Mind of the Hodiac. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Survivors - New Dawn 3: The Turning. Preview: Iris Wildthyme and the Polythene Terror.
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Iris Wildthyme: The Polythene Terror
Exiled by her own people to Earth in 1976, Iris and Panda find the streets of London filled with rubbish, and deadly plastic rubbish men causing chaos. The government are no help, so it's up to Iris to investigate, with a bit of help from MIAOW...
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Survivors: New Dawn 3
Starring Carolyn Seymour Lucy Fleming
Food shortages threaten the stability of the New Federal Government. Prime Minister Celia Tate clings to power and Robin Page becomes involved in an uprising to depose her. Once again, the best Abby and Jenny can hope for is to survive...
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Big Finish Podcast 2023-04-30 Once and Future
Nick and John present… The Chat: The Stephen Noonan Show. Review: Doctor Who: Blood of the Time Lords. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Doctor Who - Once and Future: Past Lives. Also Available: Doctor Who: The Light at the End.
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