Big Finish Podcast 2025-03-30 Fifth Hook
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We welcome back Fifth Doctor Peter Davison for a chat about... Button Moon? Yes, everything you ever wanted to know about his work on a children's classic... and a bit about Doctor Who, for old times' sake.
It's a big month for Paul Darrow, aka the sci-fi show's legendary Avon. He talks about his work on the latest Liberator Chronicles box set, his new piece of B7 fiction Lucifer, his reading of the novel - and why 55 million fans can't be wrong.
We take a look back at the previous cases for unlikely detective duo Tony Peterson and witch Cassandra Collins and look ahead to their latest adventure The Phantom Bride. Plus: what's coming up in the other five new Dark Shadows stories to follow...
With Tegan going strong in the main range this month, we have another listen to her first - and almost last - Big Finish appearance in The Gathering.
A sneak peek at the new series of The Confessions of Dorian Gray and all the upcoming releases. No letters this month as Nick was away, but if you've got a question for us, please mail [email protected] and mark your e-mail Vortex Mail.
Starring Neve McIntosh Dan Starkey
From US $22.03
Starring Fenella Woolgar
From US $11.66