Big Finish Podcast 2025-03-09 Ace Tegan Hellwood
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This month, in Vortex:
The Fugitive Doctor Jo Martin returns in July as the Fugitive Doctor in three new adventures, with Cosmogon (Alice Krige) hot on her heels. Available to pre-order now The Fugitive Doctor: Dead or Alive
Doctor Who - The Fifth Doctor Adventures Peter Davison is the Doctor, with companions Tegan (Janet Fielding), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa) and Matthew Waterhouse (Adric) in an exciting new 12-part adventure - Hooklight. Written by Tim Foley, this epic story spans two box sets to be released in April and May 2025. Doctor Who - The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Hooklight 1, Doctor Who - The Fifth Doctor Adventures: Hooklight 2
Doctor Who: The Companion Chronicles Across time and space, the Doctor’s friends have encountered many different forms of family who have touched their hearts over the years. This latest collection of Companion Chronicles features Stephan Noonan as the First Doctor, in stories narrated by Carole Ann Ford (Susan), Lauren Cornelius (Dodo), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki) and Peter Purves (Stephen). Doctor Who - The Companion Chronicles: Familes
Dark Gallifrey - Missy Michelle Gomez is Missy, with Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor, in an epic three-part steampunk adventure series written by Rochana Patel. Dark Gallifrey: Missy Part 1
Planet Krynoid Reece Shearsmith and Paul McGann star in the first box set of a new range from Big Finish: a three-hour disaster adventure set on Sunlight, a seemingly utopian planet - until an engineer discovers a pair of strange-looking pods lodged in a satellite... Planet Krynoid: Nightfall
Torchwood Fenella Woolgar plays Princess Beatrice, Queen Victoria's daughter. She has inherited Torchwood - but what will she find when she visits the organisation? This story is a parallel to Zygon Century: Infiltration, and speculates how Torchwood would handle Zygons. Torchwood: Rictus
Doctor Who - The Ninth Doctor Adventures Christopher Eccleston is reunited with Billie Piper in a brand new series of adventures for the Ninth Doctor and Rose; 12 episodes that slot neatly into the 2005 TV series. Doctor Who - The Ninth Doctor Adventures 4.1 (Title TBA)
Plus: The Big Finish Book Club: revisit Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Zygon Hunt on download throughout March for only £2.99.
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Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
From US $18.06
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson