Molly went missing from the estate 12 years ago. Ianto remembers it because he lived just round the corner. Only, Molly’s come back.
Ianto’s just as interested as her parents in what happened to her.
**This title will be going out of print when current CD stocks have been sold**
Recorded on: 9 November 2023
Recorded at: One Louder Studios
Director Lisa Bowerman said: “The script from Gareth is so clever because it’s not only a mysterious, ambivalent science fiction story with Torchwood elements, but it’s a deeply human story, which is touching as well as strange, and I think that’s a very clever combination.
“We were very, very lucky to get Gwyneth Keyworth, and I’ve always been a fan of her work. She has to play this character who turns up twelve years after this child goes missing, and she is actually the child - now an adult, but with a nine-year-old’s mentality. And Gwyneth’s managed to put in this incredible performance that is childlike and sweet and convincing, but also not quite right... I thought she was terribly clever and did it brilliantly.”
Back row; Nia Roberts, Gareth David-Lloyd, Matthew Gravelle. Front; Gwyneth Keyworth