What starts out as a simple rescue mission to save a trapped miner on the Moon soon turns out to be one of International Rescue’s greatest catastrophes.
After The Hood takes members of International Rescue hostage during the rescue, a chase across space and an altercation among the asteroids only worsens the situation. With The Hood hijacking Thunderbird Three along with Brains, Lady Penelope and Tin-Tin, it is up to the Tracy brothers to stage a daring rescue in the mountain tops of his hidden lair.
But can they rescue Brains before his engineering genius is used for the destructive forces of evil?
Based on the 1966 novel by John Theydon (under the name John W Jennison)
An Anderson Entertainment production. The original tv series Thunderbirds was created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson.
Thunderbirds™ and © 1964, 1999 and 2022. ITC Entertainment Group Limited. Licensed by ITV Ventures Limited. All rights reserved.