February 1974 is grimmer than usual for the British. Huddling together by candlelight the nation endures regular power cuts, however the situation is far worse for one old woman. Out of the dark come visitors who know of her terrible burden of wartime secrets. All she fought to save is threatened. Whom can she trust? The troubled ghosts which plague her, a young man who has befriended her, or her new carer Lucie and her strange friend, The Doctor?
Doctor Who - Short Trips
6.4. Doctor Who: Short Trips: The Curse of the Fugue
Written by Alice Cavender
From US $3.87
Lucie’s back with Doc. Alice Cavender, writer of this story, is absolutely great… She manages to give you an emotional rollercoaster in just thirty minutes. You will laugh and you will cry. It’s a work of art.
Gallifrey Archive
Alice Cavender has an ear for Lucie’s character and the dialogue is spot on.
Red Rocket Rising
- Narrated by Sheridan Smith
- Cover Art by Anthony Lamb
- Director Lisa Bowerman
- Executive Producer Nicholas Briggs Jason Haigh-Ellery
- Music by Steve Foxon
- Producer Ian Atkins
- Script Editor Ian Atkins Nicholas Briggs
- Sound Design by Steve Foxon
- Written by Alice Cavender
- Product Format: 0-digital download
- Duration: 37 minutes
- Physical Retail ISBN: n/a
- Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-78575-107-3
- Production Code: BFPMSTDL16
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