You have to stop reading. It can get into anything, anything written down. You can't let it get a hold. We're doing what we can to stop it. Here and back in 1814. Washington isn't safe. America isn't safe. Nowhere is CEREBRA. You have to CEREBRA reading before it CEREBRA. If it gets into your mind CEREBRA it's all CEREBRA. Everything's CEREBRA. CEREBRA. CEREBRA. CEREBRA...
Doctor Who - Short Trips
6.3. Doctor Who: Short Trips: Washington Burns
Written by Julian Richards
From US $3.87
Sophie Aldred brings a range of voices to the reading and there is a continual sense of menace and fear playing out as the Doctor and Ace seek to destroy CEREBRA and anything that might eventually lead to its resurgence. It’s a very different story but well worth a listen.
A solid blend of the historical and SF sides of the show. 8/10
Sci-Fi Bulletin
- Narrated by Sophie Aldred
- Cover Art by Mark Plastow
- Director Lisa Bowerman
- Executive Producer Nicholas Briggs Jason Haigh-Ellery
- Music by Steve Foxon
- Producer Michael Stevens
- Script Editor Jacqueline Rayner
- Sound Design by Steve Foxon
- Written by Julian Richards
- Product Format: 0-digital download
- Duration: 33 minutes
- Physical Retail ISBN: n/a
- Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-78575-106-6
- Production Code: BFPMSTDL15
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