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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

The Clone Masters
The Worlds of Blake's 7

The Clone Masters

Released September 2021

Written by Tim Foley

Was US $31.41

Now From US $21.98

12 Listeners
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The dark history of the Clone Masters holds many mysteries. Cally and Jenna discover some are lost in time, long before the Federation - while other secrets were buried by the Clone Masters themselves before they retreated to their home world.

Gatekeepers or conspirators, pragmatists or prophets, defenders or destroyers... At the height of their powers, how will the Clone Masters respond when Travis plans to weaponise them?

1. Separation
An untrustworthy old colleague tempts Jenna away from the Liberator to a secluded forest world, pursuing a mystery that involves Cally’s family. Will Jenna and Cally realise the true danger they face from the Clone Masters before night draws in?

2. The Rule of Life
When Space Commander Travis makes fresh demands of the Clone Masters, he is surprised by two familiar figures. One is an Auron outcast. The other is the man he once was - and could be again.

3. The Conclave
The Queen of the Clone Masters is dead, and the search for her successor draws guests from across the galaxy. Looking for something else on their visit are Cally and Travis. Between them, they could unwittingly tear down the Clone Masters’ world forever.

**This title will be going out of print when current CD stocks have been sold**

Recorded on: 3-5 March 2021
Recorded at: Side Studios and recorded remotely


There was much I liked about this trilogy... credit goes to Jamie Robertson for great soundscapes. The direction by Lisa Bowerman keeps things moving, without being too obvious.

Well done, Big Finish. And as Tim Foley says: “This one's for all you clones out there. We got you.”

Horizon - Blake's 7 Online

Whilst retaining the spirit of Blake’s 7, The Clone Masters has its own energy and drive, giving something distinctive and special, and doing justice to some of the ensemble who had perhaps fared less well originally. The Worlds Of Blake’s 7 definitely shows the way forward, with an ideal formula for being able to carry on the fight against the Federation, while also telling compelling tales which offer the limelight to the more under-utilised characters.

Set The Tape

The Clone Masters masterfully slots into a hole in established Blake’s 7 continuity and that is tremendously satisfying. Equally, it loses nothing if you don’t know where events are headed. I highly recommend The Clone Masters as an intriguing dive into an aspect of Blake’s 7 that the television show simply didn’t have time for. Also, it redresses the balance by giving both Cally and Jenna some well-deserved action away from the Liberator – and who can argue with two Travises?

Indie Mac User
  • Product Format: 3-disc CD (jewel case in slipcover)
  • Number of Discs: 3
  • Duration: 237 minutes
  • Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-83868-690-1
  • Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-83868-691-8
  • Production Code: BFPB7WB7CM01
Previous release in this range: Avalon Volume 02
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