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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Listen out for Nick being reduced to tears just talking about the end of the first series of Catweazle. What a big baby! Meanwhile, here's what the podcast is largely about...

Big Finish News -  more trailers and updates of all the latest release, plus news about Big Finish Day 2018.

Listeners' Emails - super emails and an update on the Big Finish Competition. All you have to do to join in is email us at

Guest Star Interview - Doctor Who royalty this week, with John Leeson, the voice of K9, having a bit of a giggle with Nick.

Randomoid Selectortron - something random selected from the Big Finish archives for your delectation and for Nick and Benji to waffle on about.

Latest Releases - another selection of the latest releases for you to enjoy, in spite of Nick's horrible cold.

Drama Tease - the first fifteen minutes of The Churchill Years Volume 2: Young Winston, starring Ian McNeice, of course.

This podcast is released on Sunday 11th February 2018. You can download or stream it now simply by pressing one of those handy little buttons below this text. Go on, it may just make your day.

Check out other editions of the Big Finish Podcast in the range here, enabling you to put them into your account and listen via the Big Finish Listening app on Apple and Android devices!

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