The Death and Life of River Song Series 02: Ace and Tegan
Starring Alex Kingston Sophie Aldred
From US $29.67
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This April we return to the time of the Tenth Doctor in four new stories.
Today we can announce further details on the Tenth Doctor Chronicles narrated by Jacob Dudman.
Joining Jacob, Jacqueline King reprises the character of Sylvia Noble in a witty tale by James Goss, Wild Pastures. Jacqueline has previously starred in a number of releases for Big Finish (such as Doom Coalition and The War Master), but this is her first time as the popular character Sylvia Noble – Donna Noble’s mum – from the Doctor Who television series.
And we’re delighted to announce that in her first role for Big Finish, Michelle Ryan reprises the role of Lady Christina de Souza, first seen in the 2009 Doctor Who television special, Planet of the Dead. The gripping final tale in the box set, Last Chance by Guy Adams, keeps both Michelle and Jacob on their toes.
These four adventures also see the return of some New Series Doctor Who Monsters as all the way from Raxacoricofallapatorius, the Tenth Doctor faces off against the Slitheen!
Starring Alex Kingston Sophie Aldred
From US $29.67
Starring Peter Davison Janet Fielding
From US $18.06