Doctor Who: The Hellwood Inheritance Part 1
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
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The top five Sixth Doctor stories as chosen by listeners of Big Finish audio dramas have been revealed – and, for a limited time, they are available to download for half price!
The top five Sixth Doctor stories as chosen by listeners of Big Finish audio dramas have been revealed – and, for a limited time, they are available to download for half price!
The results are in for the second of’s Doctor Who – The Monthly Adventures polls, in which Big Finish listeners (and Radio Times readers) decide which are their favourite episodes from each Doctor featured in the range.
This week, fans voted for their favourite Sixth Doctor titles, with the winners as follows, and one lucky penguin coming out on top:
The Holy Terror by Robert Shearman (November 2000) starring Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor) & Robert Jezek (Frobisher)
The Spectre of Lanyon Moore by Nicholas Pegg (June 2000) starring Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor), Maggie Stables (Evelyn Smythe) & Nicholas Courtney (the Brigadier)
The Juggernauts by Scott Alan Woodard (February 2005) starring Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor), Bonnie Langford (Melanie Bush) & Terry Molloy (Davros)
Static by Jonathan Morris (December 2017) starring Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor) Miranda Raison (Constance Clarke) & Lisa Greenwood (Flip Jackson)
Jubilee by Robert Shearman January 2003) starring Colin Baker (the Sixth Doctor) & Maggie Stables (Evelyn Smythe)
Download discounts on these top five Monthly Adventures, including bundle deals, are available now, for a limited time, HERE. (Offers expire at 23:59, UK time, on 24 May 2021.)
Executive Editor of Morgan Jeffrey said: “The vote to end all votes continues! With Big Finish fans having flocked to and voted in their thousands to help crown the greatest Fifth and Sixth Doctor releases from across 22 years of the Monthly Adventures, our attentions now turn to the Seventh Doctor.
“Once again, fans are spoilt for choice, with 78 releases from The Sirens of Time to The Grey Man of the Mountain pairing Sylvester McCoy's Time Lord with Ace, Mel, Hex and more, and pitting him against Daleks, Cybermen and the Master – but which story will come out on top?”
Voting begins for the Seventh Doctor’s adventures on Tuesday 18th May at 3pm and closes on Friday 21st May at 2pm, with the winning adventures and final poll announced on Tuesday 25th May.
CLICK HERE to vote for your favourite Seventh Doctor stories.
Big Finish was recently awarded a Guinness World Record for the longest-running science fiction audio play series, after releasing a brand-new Doctor Who monthly adventure for 275 consecutive months.
The company released its first Doctor Who story in the range all the way back in July 1999, and have delivered a new adventure every month since, featuring storylines for the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctors.
All this month, is hosting weekly polls where listeners decide which is the best adventure for each Doctor featured in the Monthly Adventures. Each poll goes live on Tuesday at 3pm, and closes on the following Friday at 2pm.