Call Me Master: Inner Demons
Starring Sacha Dhawan
From US $24.66
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Check here for this week's news updates from Big Finish Productions.
[Last updated 8 October 2021]
Monday 4 October
◉ PODCAST | Ont his week's podcast Nick and Benji present: The Good Review Guide: Torchwood - Lease of Life, preview: The Omega Factor - Immaculate Possessions (Louise Jameson), behind-the-scenes and drama tease: Robin Hood - The Witchfinder (Richard Armitage). Download and listen HERE.
◉ GOODY BAG DEALS! Click HERE to get up to 25% off stories from Sarah Jane Smith, UNIT and I, Davros. Offers end 23:59 (UK time) 10th October 2021.
◉ NEW INFO! New friends and foes for Jenny! Click HERE to check out full cast and crew info for November's Still Running.
Tuesday 5 October
◉ OUT NOW! Parisian peril in the newest Omega Factor adventure! Click HERE to get Immaculate Possessions NOW!
◉ NEW INFO! Cover, cast, crew and story info revealed for December's Bayban the Butcher. Click HERE to find out more.
Wednesday 6 October
◉ OUT NOW! Sherwood Forest's finest returns in a six-story box set of Robin Hood tales. Get it HERE.
For those who purchased individual Robin Hood stories from 1st February 2008, the releases should appear in your account on the website and on the app automatically. If they don't appear, you may need to try "Rebuild Download List" under "My Account", and / or "pull down" to refresh the app. Please contact us at the Big Finish contact page HERE if any further issues are experienced.
Thursday 7 October
◉ OUT NOW! Benny's seeing double in her new audiobook adventure, The Two Jasons. Click HERE to get it now!
◉ COMING SOON! We're returning to Moonbase Alpha in February 2022 with Space: 1999 Earthbound! Click HERE to pre-order it NOW!
Friday 8 October
◉ NEW INFO! The cover, cast and crew info have been revealed for Doctor Who: Stranded 3 and the Eighth Doctor is facing the Judoon! CLICK HERE to find out more.