Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures: Doctor Who and the Brain Drain
Starring Tim Treloar Daisy Ashford
From US $25.81
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In December this year, Doctor Who main range subscribers will be able to get our Fourth Doctor release Night of the Stormcrow absolutely free, starring Tom Baker and Louise Jameson! And to whet your appetite, you can now hear a trailer for it on the product page...
Doctor Who: Night of the Stormcrow stars Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, the role he played in the classic series between 1974 and 1981, and Louise Jameson as Leela, his companion from 1977 to 1978. A dark, claustrophobic tale in the style of that era, it finds the pair facing the terror that is the Stormcrow on a mountainside observatory.
Big Finish releases a story for main range subscribers every December, which comes free with any subscription, CD or download, which includes 1001 Nights. Previous free stories have included An Earthly Child, starring Eighth Doctor Paul McGann from the 1996 TV movie, The Four Doctors starring Peter Davison (1982-1984), Colin Baker (1984-1986), Sylvester McCoy (1987-1996) and Paul McGann, and The Five Companions, starring Peter Davison alongside Sixties TV companions Ian (William Russell), Polly (Anneke Wills), Sara (Jean Marsh), Steven (Peter Purves) and Davison-era companion Nyssa (Sarah Sutton) taking on the Doctor's arch-foes the Daleks and a phalanx of villainous Sontarans.
Night of the Stormcrow will be released to buy in a year's time (December 2013), and can be pre-ordered on its own now.
Starring Tim Treloar Daisy Ashford
From US $25.81
From US $25.81
Starring Juliet Landau Mara Wilson
From US $24.51