Doctor Who: The Hellwood Inheritance Part 1
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
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Prepare to have your heart broken – or both of them, if you’re a Time Lord – as a bonus Eleventh Doctor Chronicles download is released today from Big Finish Productions.
The much-acclaimed full-cast audio series of The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles is due to end in February 2024, bringing a 14-part story arc to a shattering conclusion for the Doctor (Jacob Dudman) and his companion Valarie Lockwood (Safiyya Ingar).
The events of the previous box set, All of Time and Space, inspired writer Lisa McMullin to create an extra hour-long episode, Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Broken Hearts, which is now available to own as a digital download only (for just £6.99), exclusively here.
He took her apart, and she told him she was fine. She lied.
He saved their world, and told them they’d be safe. He was wrong.
Writer Lisa McMullin explained: “I’m obsessed with these Chronicles – I think it’s a series that we should have had on television. To be honest, I pretty much begged producer Alfie Shaw to let me be involved!
“Safiyya said in one of the behind-the-scenes interviews that they didn’t feel Valarie had closure. So, I really wanted to write a story where Valarie kicked back against the Doctor. Saffy and Jake were up for it and I’m delighted I got a chance to be part of this phenomenal series.
“You don’t need to listen to this release to make sense of the series arc, I don’t want people to feel they must have it for the series to make sense.”
Actor Jacob Dudman added: “Saffy and I have both been feeling quite sad about the range coming to the end – even though we made the decision to end it, which is a strange thing in itself!
“Producer Alfie Shaw floated the idea of a continuation of the last story in All of Time and Space as a one-off special release, and explained the direction he wanted to take it in. It felt like there was one more story to tell before the forthcoming box set was released, and this really brings the whole thing together.
“It was great to do. I’d sort of come to terms with the fact that we were only doing two more box sets, and that was it. But I couldn’t help myself and agreed to do this special because they are the most fun. And what a script!
“The Doctor and Valarie go really well together and, in this episode, more than in any other we’ve done, we see that – after what they’ve gone through together. It was fun to play, and also, to have a two-hander with Saffy was great because we haven’t done that before.”
Actor Safiyya Ingar added: “Broken Hearts has a real level of intimacy. You rarely have that opportunity with actors you work with, it’s what you strive for. I’ve been on productions where you do weeks of team building and bonding exercises at the beginning of rehearsals, to try and be galvanised and make yourself feel like a coherent group.
“I remember when Jake and I met when we were recording the first box set. We came out for lunch and someone asked, ‘So how long have you guys known each other?’ And we were like, ‘We just met three hours ago!’ and it was the most rewarding feeling to just know that we already had that bonding from the off.
“Just knowing that I’m part of something this special is incredible. I’m so proud of this. I don’t think words can do it justice. Everything about these box sets makes me excited and honoured to be a part of this universe.”
Producer Alfie Shaw concluded: “It’s a strange range, The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles. As it doesn’t feature the actor that originated the part, there’s an extra pressure on it. The first set had to be a hit or else the next three would have withered into obscurity. The second needed to be a hit or else the first one could just be written off as a fluke! The series only really succeeds if we get listeners telling other people, ‘Yes, it isn’t Matt Smith but you have to listen to it anyway – it’s that good.’
“Fortunately, the reaction has been extremely positive. It’s immensely gratifying to see people adding episodes from this run to their favourite Eleventh Doctor stories or adding Valarie to their list of favourite companions. We knew this was our final run. We knew this might well be the last Eleventh Doctor episode at Big Finish for a while. The goal was always to have a series for Eleventh Doctor fans that people could listen to and say, ‘Here’s a run of Big Finish stories for you, and they are great.’ So far, we seem to be on track to deliver on that which is very satisfying.”
Big Finish listeners can purchase the four box sets of this Eleventh Doctor Chronicles series together in a bundle for just £81 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £69 (download only). Please note: this does not include the download of Doctor Who: Broken Hearts, which much be purchased separately.
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.
Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
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