Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures Volume 03
Starring David Bradley Claudia Grant
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Written by Nick Wallace
Starring Carole Ann Ford William Russell
US $51.72 as part of the following bundle
Starring David Bradley Claudia Grant
Out of print
Starring Carole Ann Ford William Russell
Out of print
Two unmade stories from the First Doctor era, scripted by Moris Farhi and adapted by Nigel Robinson: Farewell, Great Macedon and The Fragile Yellow Arc of Fragrance.
Starring Carole Ann Ford William Russell
Out of print
The TARDIS materializes in Spain in the late 16th century. When Ian and his new friend Esteban are captured by the Inquisition, the Doctor, Susan and Barbara plan to rescue them. But these are dark days in human history. And heretics face certain death...
Starring Carole Ann Ford William Russell
From US $45.24
Gallifrey needs every Time Lord to fight the Time War. A summons has been issued across the universe to its prodigals. Susan's call-up papers have arrived, and, unlike her grandfather, she is willing to join the battle and finally return home...