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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

The Worlds of Doctor Who - Special Releases

Susan's War: Sphere of Influence (excerpt)

Susan's first mission is one of diplomacy. The Sense-Sphere could prove a valuable ally to Gallifrey. But she is not the only one who knows the Sensorites of old. Susan will have the support of an old friend: Ian Chesterton.

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The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-04-05 Michael Palin and Louise Jameson

Nick and Benji present... Reviews: Subterfuge and ATA Girl 2... Featured Releases: Doctor Who Stranded, Paternoster Gang Heritage 3, Torchwood: Iceberg. Behind-the-scenes and Drama Tease: Torchwood: Tropical Beach Sounds and Other Relaxing Seascapes #4

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Torchwood - Monthly Range

Torchwood: Tropical Beach Sounds and Other Relaxing Seascapes #4

You are listening to a self-help tape. You have always wanted to do something with your life, haven't you? Oh, how you've ached to be a better person. Well, this is your chance. Sit back. Close your eyes. Relax. You're going to change the world.

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From US $11.39

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-04-12 Susan's War and Sixth Doctor

Nick and Benji present... Reviews of The First Doctor Adventures Volume 4. Featured Release: The Third Doctor Volume 06. Behind-the-scenes: Susan’s War. Drama Tease: Doctor Who: Cry of the Vultriss

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Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures

Doctor Who: Cry of the Vultriss

The TARDIS crash lands on the remote planet of Cygia-Rema, a mountainous world ruled by the bird-like Vultriss. As the Doctor investigates why the TARDIS crashed, he discovers that the Vultriss are hiding a deadly secret...

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From US $16.45

Susan's War

Susan's War 1

Gallifrey needs every Time Lord to fight the Time War. A summons has been issued across the universe to its prodigals. Susan's call-up papers have arrived, and, unlike her grandfather, she is willing to join the battle and finally return home...

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From US $37.99

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-04-19 Timeslip and Class

Nick and Benji present... An exciting competition to win a free download of your choice... Reviews... Behind-the-scenes with Timeslip: The Age of the Death Lottery. Drama Tease: Class Volume 3 Part 1

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The New Counter-Measures: The Movellan Manoeuvre

Arch-foe of the Intrusion Counter-Measures Group, Lady Suzanne Clare - glamorous international arms dealer specialising in alien tech - is back. What exactly is her latest plan? And what exactly does it all have to do with an insidious alien menace?

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From US $11.39


The New Counter-Measures: The Dalek Gambit

After the Movellan attack, the ICMG team discover that scientists who helped the Movellans are being murdered. All too soon, the team find themselves in the middle of a war between Daleks and Movellans. And this time not everyone will make it out alive...

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From US $11.39

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-04-26 Tom, Daleks and Class

Nick and Benji present… Reviews: Dorian Gray: Isolation, Short Trips. Featured Release: Doctor Who: The Dalek Contract. Behind-the-scenes: Class Volume 3. Preview: Doctor Who: Short Trips - Dead Woman Walking (Sophie Aldred)

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Class Volume 03

Three new adventures for the students of Coal Hill Academy, based on the television series created by Patrick Ness: The Soers’ Ditch by Carl Rowens, Catfish by Kate Thorman and Sweet Nothings by Michael Dennis.

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From US $25.32


Class Volume 04

Three new adventures for the students of Coal Hill Academy, based on the television series created by Patrick Ness: Mock by Alfie Shaw, The Creeper by Lizzie Hopley and Queen of Rhodia by Blair Mowat.

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From US $25.32

Doctor Who - Short Trips

Doctor Who: Short Trips: Dead Woman Walking

The Doctor’s meddling has taken a tremendous emotional toll on Ace over their many adventures. But this time it may end up costing her life. In the middle of a civil war, the Doctor has infect Ace with an organic bomb, and if she dies so does the planet.

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From US $3.79

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