What's New
January 2004 Releases
Bernice Summerfield: Death and the Daleks
Starring Lisa Bowerman Miles Richardson
Bernice embarks on a desperate rescue mission, Braxiatel confronts his destiny, Jason risks all for his love, and lives are shattered and lost, as the battle of the Braxiatel Collection reaches its epic conclusion...
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Bernice Summerfield: Closure
Starring Lisa Bowerman
Time Rings: Two powerful devices, given to Bernice and her ex-husband Jason as wedding rings. Used together, the Time Rings can take them anywhere in time and space. Benny has now found a reason to use them again...
More InfoDoctor Who: The Creed of the Kromon
Starring Paul McGann India Fisher
The Interzone is a fearsome nether-world protecting a zone ruled by the Kromon. Across the landscape are spheres that look like giant anthills. The Doctor believes that within one of these structures lie the clues that will lead him to his lost TARDIS...
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