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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-03-01 Donna Noble and ATA Girl 2

Nick and Benji present... The most Welsh Big Finish release for St David’s Day... Reviews: Torchwood Dissected... Behind-the-scenes with ATA Girl 2. Drama Tease: Donna Noble - Kidnapped! 1.1 Out of This World.

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Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures

Doctor Who: Subterfuge Part 1

London, 1945. Winston Churchill campaigns for re-election. His new strategic adviser assures him that Britain has a bright future under his leadership. But Winston realises victory may not be so simple. At least he can trust his old friend... can't he?

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Bernice Summerfield - Books & Audiobooks

Bernice Summerfield: The Glass Prison (Audiobook)

Don't ever annoy the Fifth Axis. They might throw you into the Glass Prison on Deirbhile and throw away the key. Once you're inside, there's nowhere to hide. You're going to be watched for the rest of your life. Even if you're a professor of archaeology.

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From US $12.64

The Worlds of Doctor Who - Special Releases

Donna Noble: Kidnapped!

Donna Noble has come home. After the trauma of the Library, Donna wants a break, to see old friends and family, to remind herself of normality. But when she starts investigating strange abductions, she's dragged into a whole new universe of trouble...

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The Worlds of Doctor Who - Special Releases

Donna Noble: Kidnapped!: Out of This World (DWM576 promo)

Donna's home, but she's not quite herself. Sylvia has some ideas to bring her out of herself involving an old friend, and speed-dating... As schoolgirl BFFs Donna and Natalie get reacquainted, a mysterious stranger dogs their steps...

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Big Finish Originals

ATA Girl 2

Two new stories featuring the female pilots of the Air Transport Auxiliary during World War II. Encompassing one of the most dramatic air-raids of the war, the pilots face challenges that push them to their limits.

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The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-03-08 7th Doctor and ATA Girl 2

Nick and Benji present... Reviews of Dracula's Guests and Doctor Who: The Psychic Circus. Behind-the-scenes on Doctor Who: Subterfuge (with Sylvester McCoy and Rufus Hound). Marketing Guru Kris Griffin is interviewed. Drama Tease: ATA Girl 2.

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The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-03-15 First Doctor and Subterfuge

Nick and Benji present... Reviews of Doctor Who: The Planet of Witches and Quest of the Engineer; Behind the scenes on Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures Volume 4 (with David Bradley). Drama Tease: Doctor Who: Subterfuge

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Doctor Who - The Monthly Adventures

Doctor Who: Subterfuge

London, 1945. Winston Churchill campaigns for re-election. His new strategic adviser assures him that Britain has a bright future under his leadership. But Winston realises victory may not be so simple. At least he can trust his old friend... can't he?

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From US $16.43

Doctor Who - The First Doctor Adventures

Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures Volume 04

Two brand new adventures for the First Doctor: Return to Skaro by Andrew Smith and Last of the Romanovs by Jonathan Barnes.

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From US $37.93

The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-03-22 Daleks and Movellans

Nick and Benji present... Reviews of The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles and Doctor Who - Short Trips: Deleted Scenes. Behind-the-scenes with New Counter-Measures: The Movellan Manoeuvre and The Dalek Gambit. Drama Tease: The Movellan Manoeuvre

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The Lives of Captain Jack

The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 03

Captain Jack Harkness - time-travelling con-man, saviour of the Earth, and intergalactic adventurer. He has lived many lives. These are three more of them.

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From US $31.61

The Confessions of Dorian Gray

The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Isolation

London, 2020. As Dorian embarks on a train journey home, he finds himself reflecting on the world around him...

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The Big Finish Podcast

Big Finish Podcast 2020-03-29 Tom Baker and Captain Jack

Nick and Benji present... Reviews of Gallifrey Time War 3 and Donna Noble: Kidnapped... Behind-the-scenes: The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 03 and Doctor Who: Short Trips - Decline of the Ancient Mariner. Drama tease: The Lives of Captain Jack: Crush

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Doctor Who - Short Trips

Doctor Who: Short Trips: Decline of the Ancient Mariner

When NASA has a problem, they quickly turn to the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith to investigate. Their Mariner 10 probe disappeared for 30 minutes, with no explanation. What starts out as quick investigation ends up having catastrophic consequences...

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