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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Torchwood: Art Decadence
Torchwood - Monthly Range

85. Torchwood: Art Decadence

Released July 2024

Written by Ash Darby

This release contains adult material and may not be suitable for younger listeners.

From US $12.89

13 Listeners
recommend this

London in the 1920s and Sir Reggie works for Torchwood, saving the world from alien invasions. Really, he relies on the services of his loyal butler while he paints the town red.

But there's a new sensation in high society - What is the secret of The Serpentine Club and can Forster save his master from it?

**This title will be going out of print when current CD stocks have been sold**

Recorded on: 12 January 2024
Recorded at: The Soundhouse


Actor Wilf Scolding described his brand-new Torchwood character: "Reggie is a posh idiot who's had everything given to him on a plate and is completely looked after by Forster. He's very polite to Forster and on a subconscious level knows that he'd be completely useless and ruined and up the creek without a paddle without him."

Co-star Simon Kane added: "Forster is the butler, valet, right hand of Reggie, and he's also probably secretly in love with him, but is incredibly repressed. He's a veteran, very by-the-book, but very useful when it comes to protecting the Earth from aliens. He's the Jeeves to Reggie's Wooster, in the sense that he's the one who actually does all the work!"


Art Decadence is a great experiment and proves you can do so much with very little. If you buy a Torchwood release this year, make it this one. 10/10

Indie Mac User
  • Product Format: 1-disc CD (jewel case)
  • Number of Discs: 1
  • Duration: 67 minutes
  • Physical Retail ISBN: 978-1-80240-403-6
  • Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-80240-404-3
  • Production Code: BFPTWCD85
Previous release in this range: Torchwood: The Restoration of Catherine
Next release in this range: Torchwood: End Game
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