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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Toby Hadoke's Who's Round: 236: Joanna Monro
Toby Hadoke's Who's Round

236. Toby Hadoke's Who's Round: 236: Joanna Monro

Available November 2018


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Toby got on his two legs and went to the theatre to interview and actress who has been in the business since she was very young, and for whom Doctor Who was an early foray onto the small screen. The talk is about Angels (not weeping ones), funny shaped vegetables and - appropriately considering what is happening in the world of Doctor Who - the perilous position women can often find themselves in when trying to a career in the entertainment industry.

Nominated charity: MacMillan Nurses

To listen to any of the other 235 interview podcasts that Toby has carried out so far in this entertaining range, simply visit the Toby Hadoke's Who's Round pages - where there's a complete list of guests - to get any of them as free downloads!

Toby's superlative adaptation of Nigel Kneale's lost 1963 classic The Road can be heard on BBC Radio 4's catch-up service until 24th November.

If you have any comments for Toby, drop him a note via [email protected]

  • Product Format: 0-digital download
  • Duration: 42 minutes
Previous release in this range: Toby Hadoke's Who's Round: 235: Virginia Wetherell
Next release in this range: Toby Hadoke's Who's Round: 237: Janet Henfrey
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