Something is afoot in the lonely Cornish village of Merrymaid Bay. Rumours of dead men working in the tin mines have sent a chill through the community, and it's up to the Doctor and Charley to get to the bottom of the mystery.
Can the legends of the Bucca that haunts the mines be true? And just what awesome power do the Doctor's greatest enemies - the Daleks! - threaten to unleash upon the universe?
**This title will be going out of print when current CD stocks have been sold**
Recorded on: 22-23 and 29 April 2024
Recorded at: The Soundhouse
Writer and producer Rob Valentine said: "Big Finish creative director Nick Briggs came to me in 2023 and asked me to come up with a story to celebrate 25 years of Big Finish Doctor Who with an adventure for the Eighth Doctor and Charley. Having both the Daleks and the Master involved was essentially inevitable as a way of making this a huge celebratory story.
"I wanted to make this a really pure, traditional Doctor Who adventure, so I wrote the Dalek scheme to feel like something out of one of the 1960s Peter Cushing films. I also wanted to honour the Philip Hinchcliffe era of the TV series by homaging Hammer Horror – in this case Plague of the Zombies, which I think is one of their best – and which allowed me to indulge my love for folklore and legend."
Actor Alex Macqueen added: "I've played the Master for over a decade now, but it’s getting on for four or five years since I last recorded as him. So coming back to it was a real delight and a thrill. I'd forgotten just how fun he is to play."
Paul McGann, India Fisher
Nisha Nayar, Paul McGann, Annette Badland
Jason Forbes and Barnaby Edwards
George Naylor, Barnaby Edwards, Nisha Nayar, Paul McGann, Nicholas Briggs, India Fisher, Annette Badland, Jason Forbes
India Fisher, Nisha Nayar, Jason Forbes