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Big Finish Podcast 2018-08-19 Class and Lady Christina
The Big Finish Podcast

1834. Big Finish Podcast 2018-08-19 Class and Lady Christina

Available August 2018


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Nick and Benji with all your favourite features. Behind-the-scenes with the cast of Class (Doctor Who TV spin-off). Drama Tease: Lady Christina (starring Michelle Ryan).

Latest Releases - Clips and reviews for... Doctor Who: Red Planets, the 11th Doctor Chronicles, Bernice Summerfield: Treasury.

Big Finish News - 20th Anniversary exclusive Big Finish Doctor Who tease. Class is released, UNIT: Revisitations trailer tease, Lady Christina is released. The Avengers: Too Many Targets reminder!

Listeners' Emails - a bumper round-up of emails from our lovely listeners. Also, we wrap up an old Competition and unwrap a brand new one. To join in, simply email us at [email protected].

Behind the scenes - with Class Volume One - Gifted, the cast chat to director/producer Scott Handcock.

Randomoid Selectortron - a great old favourite is extracted from the archives and resoundingly chatted about.

Drama Tease - Lady Christina - It takes a Thief, starring Michelle Ryan and written by the ever wonderful John Dorney.

This podcast is released on Sunday 19th August 2018. You can download or stream it now simply by pressing one of those handy little buttons below this text.

Check out other editions of the Big Finish Podcast in the range here, enabling you to put them into your account and listen via the Big Finish Listening app on Apple and Android devices!

Recorded on: 18th August 2018
Recorded at: Nick and Benji's

Nick and Benji have been presenting the Big Finish Podcast together now for nearly two years. The podcast itself has been around for a number of years, with a number of presenters, but Nick seems to have stuck with it the longest, mainly because he's been with Big Finish since the very beginning, back in 1998.

Benji's addition to the team has brought with it an extra injection of showmanship and - dare we say it? - madcap humour. As well as Nick and Benji's shared love of the classic Doctor Who story Death to the Daleks, many other strange topics of conversation have bubbled up to the surface across the months.

Benji's musicianship is very much in evidence, with guest appearances of the kazoo and jaw harp being something of a regular feature. More recently, there's been a kalimba, a harmonica and some cow bells provided by Nick.

From time to time, listeners send in some really great images to the podcast, and you can find some of them below...

If you haven't yet heard the Big Finish Podcast, here are some of the other themes and conversations you can look forward to... Field Marshal Montgomery, the 'Singing Man' from the 1950s, catchphrases like 'Stop Don't Move!', 'Buck up!' and 'Don't tell my trousers!' and much, much more... (frighteningly more)

There are, of course, lashings of behind-the-scenes and upcoming news items, as well as fullsome comments by our loyal listeners, via the Listeners' Emails address [email protected].

The Big Finish Podcast is released every week, on Sundays. You can download or stream it from its place on the home page or catch it here in its official Podcast Range.

You can, of course, subscribe to it through itunes or through your usual podcast app.

Feel free to listen and enjoy, because it is absolutely free!

From time to time, listeners send in some really great images to the podcast, and you can find some of them below...

  • Product Format: 0-download only
  • Duration: 98 minutes
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