It’s become his obsession. Through the hottest of deserts and the coldest of snows, the TARDIS crew have searched for the one remaining piece of the Doctor’s most important experiment. But now Barbara’s exhausted. Why hasn’t the Doctor learned his lesson? What’s so important that his scientific curiosity outweighs the safety of the crew once again? And will his latest arrogant trespass be the last he ever makes?
Doctor Who - Short Trips
8.9. Doctor Who: Short Trips: A Small Semblance of Home
September 2018
Written by Paul Phipps
From US $3.77
16 Listeners
recommend this
Recorded on: 11 October 2016
Recorded at: Moat Studios
- Narrated by Carole Ann Ford
- Cover Art by Anthony Lamb
- Director Lisa Bowerman
- Executive Producer Jason Haigh-Ellery Nicholas Briggs
- Music by David Roocroft
- Producer Ian Atkins
- Script Editor Ian Atkins
- Sound Design by David Roocroft
- Written by Paul Phipps
- Product Format: 0-download only
- Duration: 35 minutes
- Physical Retail ISBN: n/a
- Digital Retail ISBN: 978-1-78703-002-2
- Production Code: BFPMSTDL45
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