Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 14: The Hellwood Inheritance
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
From US $25.96
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Nick Briggs and Benji Clifford present all that's new in the audio world of Big Finish Productions. This edition's guest star is Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler in Doctor Who).
We received news of the sad passing of Sir John Hurt during the production of this podcast. There'll be a full tribute to John and his work with Big Finish in next week's podcast, in the meantime, Nick talks briefly about John here, and there are trailers for his upcoming BF productions The Invisible Man and The War Doctor - Volume 4.
Big Finish News - All the latest with some minor deviations. Stop don't move!
Listeners' Emails - Unnecessary deviations included, such as a Harry Sullivan discussion. You can email us at [email protected].
Guest Star Interview - Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler, mother of Rose Tyler in Doctor Who) chats to Nick. Unmissable.
Randomoid Selectortron - Another random selection of an archive BF release.
Latest Releases - In almost one breath, Nick rounds up what's available now.
Forever Fallen - a fifteen minute tease of our free Doctor Who Short Trips by Joseph Wanisko. This was the winner of the Short Trips Paul Spragg Memorial Opportunity.
This podcast has, as usual, been released a day early. And why not? You can download it or stream it by pressing one of the helpful buttons below.
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
From US $25.96
Starring Carole Ann Ford Jonathon Carley
From US $16.87