2018-11-25 Chicago TARDIS
Nick and Benji are in attendance at the Chicago TARDIS convention. Guest stars Jason Haigh-Ellery (Big Finish CEO), Brandon Butler (Big Finish App Developer), Catrin Stewart and John Davy join them on stage for this 'recorded-as-live' podcast. Let the mayhem commence!
ALERT! In the heat of this 'live' podcast, Nick and Benji accidentally refer to the year as 2019, because Nick wrote the script and he lives in the future... allegedly.
Brace yourselves for a 'live' podcast with no music or editing! There's just a lovely audience to provide all the ambient noises.
There'll be questions from the audience, banter and event some live versions of regular features such as the Big Finish News, Listeners' Emails and the Randomoid Selectortron.
This podcast is released on Sunday 25th November 2018. You can download or stream it now simply by pressing one of those handy little buttons below this text. It's live and a bit crazy.
Check out other editions of the Big Finish Podcast in the range here, enabling you to put them into your account and listen via the Big Finish Listening app on Apple and Android devices!