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For The Love Of StoriesBig Finish produce fantastic full-cast audio dramas for CD and download.

Listen out for more cheese gossip and an in-depth discussion of microphones. But then there's this too...

Big Finish News - the latest news, including an interesting rendition of The Prisoner's theme. Plus an exciting report on Big Finish Original Jeremiah Bourne in Time.

Listeners' Emails - more great emails, and a deliberate mistake in which Benji mispronounces a common word. If you spot it, email in to and you'll win a special prize.

Guest Star Interview - Big Finish's very own Dr Watson from our Sherlock Holmes range, Richard Earl, in conversation with Nick.

Randomoid Selectortron - something random selected from the Big Finish archives  for Nick and Benji to go crazy about.

Latest Releases - another selection of the latest releases for you to enjoy, with an attack of worms! Aaaargh!

Drama Tease - the first fifteen minutes of Gallifrey: Time War.

This podcast is released on Sunday 25th February 2018. You can download or stream it now simply by pressing one of those handy little buttons below this text. Go on, it's just what the Doctor ordered.

Check out other editions of the Big Finish Podcast in the range here, enabling you to put them into your account and listen via the Big Finish Listening app on Apple and Android devices!

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