Doctor Who: The Hellwood Inheritance Part 1
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
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More details are today revealed for the next full-cast audio dramas set during an unexplored period of the Eleventh Doctor’s era, between The Snowmen and The Bells of St John.
In October’s Geronimo! the Doctor (Jacob Dudman) meets Valarie Lockwood (Safiyya Ingar) a cybernetically-enhanced engineer from the 54th Century for the very first time. Then, in February 2023, the new TARDIS twosome explores All of Time and Space together.
Out of retirement, and back traversing time and space, the Doctor has a new goal. Find the woman twice dead and save her from dying again. It’s a monumental task, with all of history to search. He’s going to need some help. Valarie Lockwood knows what it’s like to lose your friends. Trapped on a rig, she’s doing everything she can to keep them alive. Except, it's too big a task just for her. She needs some help too.
The three stories in Geronimo! are:
The Inheritance by Alfie Shaw
For Patricia and Valarie Lockwood, it was to be an evening like any other. Dinner with a few friends, a chance to unwind and forget the horrors of the world. However, their plans are disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious stranger. A man who brings tragedy in his wake.
The House of Masks by Georgia Cook
For Valarie’s first trip through time and space, the TARDIS takes them to one of the Doctor’s favourite places: Venice, during Carnivale. Unfortunately, not everyone is there to enjoy the party. Captain Tomasi has a murder to commit, and he needs Valarie’s help to do it...
The End by Rochana Patel
Valarie/The Doctor is dying. Only the Doctor/Valarie can save Valarie/the Doctor, but for her/him to survive, the Doctor/Valarie will have to die in her/his place. For the Doctor/Valarie, this is journey’s end.
The talented ensemble cast alsoincludes Genevieve Gaunt (Knightfall, The Royals), Fode Simbo (Vigil), and Mandi Symonds as Valarie’s worried mum, Patricia Lockwood.
Alfie Shaw, series producer and writer of The Inheritance, said: “I love the Eleventh Doctor, and getting to oversee and kickstart a new series for him is a dream come true. It’s an interesting time period for the character. His zeal for travelling has been restored, but the darkness within him is coming to the fore more than it has in his previous series.
“While coming up with ideas for where the new companion could be from, I went through a period of consuming lots of Cyberpunk-style stories. I loved the idea of essentially pairing the Eleventh Doctor up with the Bionic Woman. Once I’d decided that Valarie would come from a world like that, it helped shape not only the character but also the story.”
Georgia Cook, who wrote The House of Masks, added: “Tackling Valarie’s first trip into history, I wanted to give the TARDIS team a really good mystery to solve, in a setting packed with atmosphere and intrigue.“Not only did I adore writing for Valarie, but the Eleventh Doctor is one of my favourite incarnations, so getting to send them both on an adventure was a real treat.”
Writer of The End, Rochana Patel, said: “This was actually my first full-cast script for Big Finish, so there was a distinct moment of terror when I started writing. I was aiming to recapture the high-concept feel of stories like Amy's Choice and The Girl Who Waited. Don't expect just another straightforward romp, this is definitely for those who want something a little more unexpected from their audio adventures...”
The three stories in All of Time and Space, due for release in February 2023, are as follows:
All of Time and Space by Ellery Quest
The Yearn by Angus Dunican
Curiosity Shop by James Goss
Television and theatre veteran Derek Griffiths MBE guest stars as an opportunistic food trader called Golas. Also lending their distinctive voices to these stories are Richard Hope (The Ipcress File, Poldark, Doctor Who) and, making his Big Finish debut, Mark Rowley (The Last Kingdom, The Spanish Princess).
Both Doctor Who —The Doctor Chronicles: The Eleventh Doctor: Geronimo! and All of Time and Space are now each available to pre-order for just £19.99 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £16.99 (digital download only) per title. Big Finish listeners can also save money by pre-ordering both box sets together in a bundle from just £33.
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release. From November 2022, new pre-order prices will apply for unreleased box sets.
Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mailout of collector’s edition CDs will be delayed, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy thatcan be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.