Blake's 7: Avon - A Terrible Aspect
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Check here for this week's news and all the latest updates from Big Finish.
Tuesday 20 September
◉ PODCAST | The latest FREE Big Finish podcast is now live. Featuring... The Good Review Guide of Torchwood: The Great Sontaran War … Behind-the-scenes: Doctor Who - The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Blood and Steel... Also Available: Torchwood: Death in Venice… Drama Tease: Doctor Who - Tenth Doctor Classic Companions. Get it at the podcast page here or wherever you normally subscribe to your favourite podcasts.
◉ NEW RELEASE | In Doctor Who - The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield: Blood and Steel, Bernice Summerfield (Lisa Bowerman) and the Unbound Doctor (the late, great David Warner) follow an energy signal to a hedonistic paradise in 1930's Berlin. Available now as a collector's edition CD and download. Read more here and watch the video promo.
◉ SALE | Click here to get up to 50% off selected Bernice Summerfield releases! Offer ends 23:59 (UK time) on 25 September 2022.
Wednesday 21 September
◉ SALE | Click here to get up to 50% off collector's edition CDs and downloads featuring audio adventures from the Mondasian menaces. Offer ends 23:59 (UK time) on 25 September 2022.
◉ VIDEO PROMO | In Doctor Who - Tenth Doctor Classic Companions, the Doctor revisits K9, Leela, Ace and Nyssa long after their time-travelling adventures have finished. Watch the fantastic video promo, or click here to buy on collector's edition CD or download.
◉ FREE | Click to download a free Torchwood mini-episode starring Paul Clayton, exclusively available from the Big Finish website.
Thursday 22 September
◉ NEW RELEASE | In Torchwood: Death in Venice, Ace (Sophie Aldred) is on the run from someone who wants to chase her down and and Mr Colchester (Paul Clayton) is here to help... Available now as a collector's edition CD and download. Read more here and watch the video promo.
◉ NEW NOVELS | A trio of gripping audiobooks based on Terry Nation’s BBC sci-fi classic Blake’s 7 are due for release as collectable hardbacks from October to December 2022. Read more here.
◉ TRAILER | In Rose Tyler - Dimension Cannon: Other Worlds, Rose and her friends and family are trapped in another dimension on a parallel Earth. There's only person who can help... the Doctor. Click here to listen to the trailer and pre-order now.
Friday 23 September
◉ SALE | Save up to 60% on selected Blake's 7 releases! Click here to access the deals.
◉ TRAILER! | Mandeville Walk is the most haunted street in 1950s Soho, and Torchwood's Norton Folgate has come to investigate and confront some ghosts of his own... Click here to pre-order Torchwood - Soho: The Unbegotten and listen to the spooky new trailer.
From US $25.89
Starring Tracy-Ann Oberman Timothy Bentinck
From US $11.64
Starring Tom Baker Louise Jameson
From US $25.89