Big Finish Podcast 2025-03-16 Rictus Grandfather
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Check here for this week's news updates from Big Finish Productions
[Last updated 20 April 2021.]
Monday 19 April
◉ PODCAST | Nick and Benji present: Reviews - Doctor Who: Short Trips - Blue Boxes and Torchwood: Rhys and Ianto’s Excellent Barbecue, behind-the-scenes: Dalek Universe 1 (David Tennant), drama tease: Torchwood - Gooseberry (Burn Gorman).
◉ TRAILER REVEAL! Yvonne Hartman's back for The Five People You Kill in Middlesbrough trailer! Listen and pre-order it HERE!Check here for this week's news updates from Big Finish Productions
◉ YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED! Christopher Eccleston answers Twitter follower questions on the Big Finish YouTube channel! Watch the video below!
Tuesday 20 April
◉ TENTH DOCTOR DEALS! Click HERE to get up to 70% off on collector's edition CDs and digital downloads featuring the Tenth Doctor until 23:59, UK time, 26 April 2021.
◉ CAST, COVER AND STORY DEETS REVEALED! Click HERE to find out what's in store for Avalon in her first volume of adventures!
Wednesday 21 April
◉ OUT NOW! Hear Owen and Andy in Torchwood: Gooseberry on collector's edition CD and digital download HERE!
◉ ARIA AWARDS! We are proud to announce that Doctor Who: Out of Time and The Human Frontier have been nominated for the ARIAS in the Best Fictional Storytelling category! Find out more HERE!
Thursday 22 April 2021
◉ CAST UPDATE! Find out who will be joining Jacob Dudman in The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Volume 2 in September and pre-order HERE!
Friday 23 April 2021
◉ NEW TORCHWOOD! Shaun Parkes returns as Zachary Cross Flane for Torchwood: Empire of Shadows! Click HERE to pre-order it NOW!