Susan's War: Grandfather Time
Starring Carole Ann Ford Jonathon Carley
From US $16.78
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Check here for this week's latest news from Big Finish Productions.
[Last updated 18 November]
Monday 16 November
PODCAST | In this week's episode Nick and Benji present: Reviews of Out of Time, behind-the-scenes of Torchwood: Rhys and Ianto’s Excellent Barbecue by Tim Foley (Gareth David-Lloyd), a drama tease of Wicked Sisters: The Garden of Storms by Simon Guerrier (Peter Davison) Listen HERE!
LOCKDOWNLOAD | Free to download this week is The Confessions of Dorian Gray: This World Our Hell. PLUS Four additional Dorian Gray titles are available for free; Isolation, Enigma, Frostbite, Trick or Treat, along with The Confessions of Alexander Vlahos, an interview with the star of the series. for one week only, Big Finish listeners can also get up to 50% OFF download titles in the Dorian Gray range at the Weekly Deals page.
(All of the above offers expire at 23:59, UK time, 22 November.)
COMPANION CHRONICLES | Due to production issues beyond our control, the release of Doctor Who - The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 3 has had to be postponed until 2021, exact date TBA. We apologise for the delay.
SALE ENDING! Grab Donna Noble: Kidnapped for up to 33% OFF here before 23:59, UK time, 16 November.
FIRST LISTEN | Hear Tom Baker and Louise Jameson in a DOUBLE TRAILER for The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 10 Vol 1. Click HERE to listen and pre-order the box set now!
Tuesday 17 November
ROLL-BACK SALE! 50 box sets have been rolled back to their pre-order pricing for a limited time. Use code ROLLBACK to get the deals HERE! (Offer ends 23:59, UK time, 19 November.)
WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations to Eugenie Pusenjak for their winning entry to the Paul Spragg Memorial Short Trips Writing Opportunity, Free Speech. READ MORE about the winning entry and other Doctor Who: Short Trips news HERE!
Wednesday 18 November
DRESSED TO GRILL | Rhys and Ianto are having an Excellent Barbecue in this month's Torchwood adventure. Own it now from just £8.99 HERE!
FIRST LISTEN | Hear the Fifth Doctor and Turlough in an explosive trailer for Doctor Who: The Blazing Hour. Listen and pre-order it HERE from just £12.99.
Thursday 19 November
COVER REVEAL! The Third Doctor is joined by Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith and the Brigadier on the cover of his seventh volume of adventures. Check out the cover and pre-order it HERE!
AVENGERS UPDATE! New story and cast details revealed for The Avengers: The Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 5: Steed and Tara King. Find out more and pre-order it here!
FIRST LOOK! New cover, cast and story details revealed for Gallifrey: Time War 4. Take a look and pre-order it now HERE!
Friday 20 November
DOCTOR WHO PRICE CRASH | Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 1 - 100 are now HALF PRICE on digital download! Click HERE to shop the deals (Offer ends 23:59, UK time, 26 November.) Check out Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Doctor bundles HERE.
FIRST LISTEN! New trailer and story details have been revealed for February 2021's Space: 1999. Check them out and pre-order the adventures HERE!
Starring Carole Ann Ford Jonathon Carley
From US $16.78
Starring Alex Kingston Sophie Aldred
From US $29.70