Doctor Who: Destination: Nerva - What the Critics Said
Our Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Adventures continue next month with Phantoms of the Deep, but for those who've not given them a try yet, here are some thoughts from the critics about the very first release of the range, Destination: Nerva.
'Reuniting Tom Baker and Louise Jameson on audio is a masterstroke in Doctor Who audio history. Both put their all into recreating their roles and the magical relationship of The Doctor acting as teacher, educating Leela the sometimes unruly but still keen to learn student, is absolute perfection.' - Suite 101
'Destination: Nerva is a great introduction for Tom Baker’s Doctor into the Big Finish universe. There’s no grandstanding to say, “Here he is – we’ve got Tom Baker. We’ve given him the majority of the first episode so you can be absolutely sure it’s not Jon Culshaw doing an impression.” It’s just straight bang into the action.' - Sci-Fi Bulletin
'It’s not often that I listen to an audio play with a silly grin on my face, but I did while listening to this one.'- Review Graveyard
'Baker’s performance as the Doctor is 100% on the money. In no small measure this is due to the assured way in which BF’s writers work his lines; but it is Baker’s tone and enthusiasm that are the key to this great realisation. Similarly, Louise Jameson as Leela sounds just as she did thirty years ago: just as alien to our worlds, just as naïve, just as sexy.' - Outpost Skaro
'It’s fantastic to hear The Doctor and Leela together again, in a steampunk meets base under siege story that returns to the classic feel of the Seventies show, that’ll leave you grinning from ear to ear, desperate for more.' - Mass Movement
'This opening story’s biggest success is how seamlessly it recreates the chemistry between the Fourth Doctor and Leela after all these years, Big Finish once again fulfilling our expectations then surpassing them.' - Feeling Listless
'Destination: Nerva is a good introduction to Big Finish’s Fourth Doctor series. As the tag line goes, ‘It’s Saturday tea-time in 1977 all over again’. That was my tea-time too and, old cynic that I am, I’m happy to feel that age again.' - SF Crowsnest