Doctor Who: Babblesphere Out Now!
Out now is the latest instalment of the AudioGo/Big Finish Doctor Who co-production range, Destiny of the Doctor. Entitled Babblesphere, it focuses on the Fourth Doctor and the Second Romana.
Released yesterday and definitely not an April Fool, Doctor Who: Babblesphere is a rich story by Jonathan Morris that seeks to recreate the Douglas Adams era of the show. Starring Lalla Ward and Roger Parrott, it finds the Fourth Doctor and Romana visiting the volcanic world of Hephastos, home to many of the cosmos' greatest artists. However, they've surrendered themselves to the joys of the Babble network; can the Doctor and Romana set them free?
Also out now is the brand new issue of our free magazine Vortex, which reveals the juiciest of details about all Big Finish's upcoming Doctor Who fiftieth anniversary releases! You can download it now, and it'll also be packaged up with all this month's releases and orders.