Big Finish Podcast 2025-03-23 Paternoster Stand
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Big Finish Productions’ acclaimed series of Eleventh Doctor audio dramas is getting a surprise bonus episode, due for release in November 2023.
He took her apart, and she told him she was fine. She lied.
He saved their world, and told them they’d be safe. He was wrong.
Since October 2022, Jacob Dudman and Safiyya Ingar have brought the Eleventh Doctor and his cyborg companion Valarie Lockwood to life in a series of stunning full-cast audio adventures.
Well-received by fans and critics alike, The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles is storming towards an apocalyptic conclusion with December’s much-anticipated Everywhere and Anywhere, due to be followed by a final box set in February 2024.
But there’s more.
An exciting extra hour-long story has been recorded for release in November, inserted into the ongoing narrative from February’s All of Time and Space, and bringing the total story arc to a full 14 parts.
This special release, Doctor Who – The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Broken Hearts, written by Lisa McMullin, is now available to pre-order as a digital download only (for just £6.99), exclusively here.
Writer Lisa McMullin explained: “I think this is one of the best series Big Finish has produced – it's like discovering a superb missing television series of the Eleventh Doctor. Producer Alfie Shaw has created and developed something really special in the relationship between the Eleventh Doctor and Valarie Lockwood. She is one of my all-time favourite companions in ANY media. Jacob and Safiyya have such great chemistry.
“I listened to Geronimo! and All of Time and Space and was INSANELY envious of everyone who worked on them – the writing, the performances and the production are exquisite. Brilliant, BRILLIANT stories. I was gutted that Alfie had allocated writers for the entire series and DEVASTATED to discover Jacob wasn't doing any more. BUT – I was floored by how sad I was at the end of James Goss's superb story, Curiosity Shop. Sad and FURIOUS at the Doctor. No way Valarie would let him do what he did to her and get away with it! I needed closure! Valarie needed closure.
“So Alfie, Safiyya and Jacob kindly agreed to let me give them closure. It doesn't interfere with the overall series' arc, but it's there if – like me – you were left furious at the Doctor at the end of All of Time and Space... and need a bit of help getting over it...”
Praise for The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles:
"As good as Jacob Dudman’s Eleventh Doctor is – and it’s very good – Safiyya Ingar’s Valarie Lockwood trounces him at every turn... Together they’re nothing short of dynamite."
Doctor Who Magazine"One of the most refreshingly original Doctor/companion relationships we've had from Big Finish..."
Mr TARDIS"Jacob Dudman and Safiyya Ingar are brilliant and get equal chance to shine and develop their characters in their own way."
Indie Mac User
Big Finish listeners can also pre-order the four box sets of this Eleventh Doctor Chronicles series together in a bundle for just £81 (collector’s edition CD box set + download) or £69 (download only).
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release.
Please note that Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mailout of collector’s edition CDs will be delayed, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.
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